Volunteer in Social farm with people with Intellectual disabilities - Italy
A Ruota Libera Onlus
Nettuno, Italia
The project will take place in a social farm Asino chi Legge in Nettuno where we work with people with disabilities. In this place we create a safe space for expression for anyone - based on the respect of diversity and enhancement of people uniqueness. The farm is open air place of learning - it offers a nice opportunity of growth to youth that like to get closer and build relation with disabled people. The main tasks of the volunteers will be: -to interact with disabled people and develop a supporting attitude through people with special needs, -learn how to support people to develop autonomy skills, -the use of the donkey in pet therapy activities, -learn how to live in an educational farm, -practice the ethics of life in nature and respect the environment taking care of the organic garden, -develop and practice a sustainable attitude, -work on the promotion of the ESC Program, social media management -learn to live and learn in a multicultural and diverse team;
Majoitus, ateriat ja kuljetukset
The project starts in March 2025 till December 2025. Volunteer will be hosted in a volunteer’s apartment in NETTUNO: sharing double rooms and a bathroom, common kitchen connected to a living room. Included Wi-Fi connection, kitchen supplies and bed linen. The volunteer have the opportunity to receive a bike to use as he pleases. More over if needed he/she will be have the chance to use public transport to reach work with the other members of the farm. Each volunteer will receive a monthly pocket and food allowance of 330 €
Koulutus hankkeen aikana
The volunteers will receive 24h Italian language course by the professional Italian teacher for foreigners as well as the opportunity to study on Online Learning system.The volunteers will attend OAT & MT meetings organized by the Italian National Agency. If interested, the volunteer will be able to learn more about the Erasmus+ and ESC project organizing.
Osallistujan profiili
A youngster (male or female) that would like to live an educational experience closely in contact with nature, animals and special need people. The project welcome a youth that would like to explore the intellectual disability dimension and learn more about different abilities and social work. Moreover a youth that would like to live a different experience base on the creation of relation with the specific surrounding and association life dynamic. It offers to the participant the opportunity to develop a sensitiveness to empower disable people to live their autonomy and develop their skills.
Alkaa 05/03/2025 ja loppuu 30/12/2025
Nettuno, Italia
Yksilöllinen vapaaehtoistoiminta
Maat, joista osallistujia haetaan
Itävalta, Belgia, Bulgaria, Curaçao, Kypros, Tšekki, Tanska, Viro, Kreikka, Espanja, Suomi, Falklandinsaaret, Ranska, Ranskan Guayana, Grönlanti, Kroatia, Unkari, Irlanti, Brittiläinen Intian valtameren alue, Islanti, Caymansaaret, Liechtenstein, Liettua, Luxemburg, Latvia, Montenegro, Saint Martin (french part), Pohjois-Makedonia, Martinique, Montserrat, Malta, Uusi-Kaledonia, Alankomaat, Norja, Ranskan Polynesia, Puola, St Pierre and Miquelon, Pitcairn, Portugali, Réunion, Romania, Serbia, Ruotsi, Saint Helena, Slovenia, Slovakia, French Southern and Antarctic Territories, Ukraina, Virgin Islands (British), Wallis ja Futuna, Georgia
Toiminnan aiheet
Social challenges
Environment and natural protection
Education and training
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