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Eiropas Solidaritātes korpuss

Kopā mēs varam.

Volunteer in a bilingual kindergarten

Freiwilligendienste in der Diözese Rottenburg-Stuttgart gemeinnützige GmbH


Stuttgart, Vācija


Stuggikids is a bilingual daycare in the Europaviertel of Stuttgart, a few minutesfrom the main station. The centre cares for 60 children from eight weeks ofage to preschool. The daycare consists of two groups for smaller children andtwo for the older kids. Your tasks will be: - Play with the children - Plan and realise projects, events, celebrations of special occasions, etc. - Take responsibility for the tidiness and cleanliness of the rooms and theoutdoor area

Dzīvošana, ēdināšana un transports

You will be provided with a dorm room in the same dorm as other volunteers. A ticket for regional public transport around Baden-Württemberg will be provided. You will be given an allowance as well as additional money for food in accordance with the program guidelines. The hosting organisation provides a free lunch during school days.

Mācības pasākuma laikā

In addition to the two seminars by the national agency (one week about 4-6 weeks after arrival, another halfway through the program), we will provide a Welcome Event, reflection and support meetings with your mentor and tutor throughout the service as well as a final pre-departure event. Additionally, your hosting organisation will provide you with any training needed for your daily tasks during the service.

Dalībnieka profils

If you speak German or English at at least an intermediate level (at least B2 CERF) or are a native speaker and are between 18 and 30 years old, this opportunity is for you! :)

Pasākuma datums

No 09/10/2023 līdz 31/08/2024

Pasākuma vieta

Stuttgart, Vācija

Individuāls brīvprātīgais darbs

Meklējam dalībniekus no šīm valstīm

Austrija, Beļģija, Bulgārija, Čehijas Republika, Dānija, Igaunija, Grieķija, Spānija, Somija, Francija, Horvātija, Ungārija, Īrija, Itālija, Luksemburga, Latvija, Malta, Nīderlande, Polija, Portugāle, Rumānija, Zviedrija, Slovēnija, Slovākija

Pasākuma temati

Education and training

Pieteikumu iesniegšanas termiņš

Pieteikuma iesniegšanas termiņš: 30/09/2023 23:59