Take care of young children
Freiwilligendienste in der Diözese Rottenburg-Stuttgart gemeinnützige GmbH
Kinderhaus Don Bosco
Esslingen, Németország
The Kinderhaus Don Bosco is a daycare center with groups for children agedone through six run by the catholic church in Esslingen. The catholic profile isvisible in the everyday running of the centre: Seasonal activities, churchservices and other regular routines are a big part of the children’s days. Additionally, children are actively involved in the planning of activities andraised to take responsibility wherever appropriate. Your tasks will be: - Accompany educational activities and contribute your own ideas - Housekeeping tasks - Support and assist the children in the daily activities
Szállás, étkezés és utazás
You will be provided with a dorm room in the same dorm as other volunteers. Money for a ticket for regional public transport around Germany will be provided. You will be given an allowance as well as additional money for food in accordance with the program guidelines.
Képzés a tevékenység során
In addition to the two seminars by the national agency (one week about 6 weeks after arrival, another halfway through the program), we will provide a welcome event, reflection and support meetings with your mentor and tutor throughout the service as well as a final pre-departure event. Additionally, your hosting organisation will provide you with any training needed for your daily tasks during the service.
Résztvevői profil
If you speak German at at least a basic (A2 CERF) level or are a native speaker and are between 18 and 30 years old, this opportunity is for you! :) IMPORTANT: Please apply though our website. You can find the application link as well as more information here: https://padlet.com/FWD_DRS_gGmBH/volunteer-in-germany-with-fwd-drs-xlt8c6nr1mf1f3e2 We will not accept applications submitted only through the Youth Portal.
A tevékenység ideje
Ettől: 01/09/2024 eddig: 31/07/2025
A tevékenység helyszíne
Esslingen, Németország
Egyéni önkéntes tevékenység
Ebből az országból várunk résztvevőket:
Ausztria, Belgium, Bulgária, Cseh Köztársaság, Dánia, Észtország, Görögország, Spanyolország, Finnország, Franciaország, Horvátország, Magyarország, Írország, Olaszország, Luxemburg, Lettország, Málta, Hollandia, Lengyelország, Portugália, Románia, Svédország, Szlovénia, Szlovákia
A tevékenység témaköre
Education and training
Jelentkezési határidő
Nincs jelentkezési határidő