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Európai Szolidaritási Testület

A közösség ereje

Youth Changemaker - Long-Term Volunteering in Bulgaria


Foundation Podobri

Shumen, Bulgária


Podobri Foundation is a youth-focused organization dedicated to nurturing the potential of young minds through innovative programs and opportunities for personal & professional growth. We are looking for a volunteer to support projects aimed at youth development. The volunteering program will take place in Shumen (BG), starting from Oct. As a volunteer your work will be related to the organisation’s social networking, as well as technical support at various events, e.g. sustainability focused initiatives.The participant will support the implementation of projects focused on improving the opportunities of the youth community in Shumen. This includes campaigning in the field of youth participation and activism with the possibility of personal projects and initiatives. As a volunteer you will be expected to conduct surveys and interviews focused on youth work and development on local grounds. Your creative content & online outreach will promote positive messages and community involvement.

Szállás, étkezés és utazás

Accommodation is provided with overhead costs included. Accommodation details will be provided to shortlisted candidates. Travel expenses are covered with a certain limit. The volunteer's monthly allowance includes food, pocket money and local transport.

Képzés a tevékenység során

Volunteers will receive on - arrival training organised by Bulgarian National Agency as well as orientation and a detailed explanation about "Podobri" goals, vision, mission, long-term projects, our way of working, safety and digital technologies training, how to use specific software for photo editing, such as Canva, our website, etc. In addition, there will be constant support, daily meetings, brainstorming, supporting groups, etc. Volinteers will receive a library and access to platforms and websites for digital resourses.

Résztvevői profil

Participates in the implementation of youth events and their coverage, in international trainings and training courses, in meetings with young people and discussing issues at local level. Supports the implementation of youth projects, the organisation of events and initiatives for the local community. Seeks, creates and disseminates youth information through the organization's channels. Communicates with partner organizations and institutions. Supports conducting surveys for local youth. Creates media content.

A tevékenység ideje

Ettől: 20/10/2023 eddig: 15/10/2024

A tevékenység helyszíne

ul. "Saedinenie" 105, Shumen, Bulgária

Egyéni önkéntes tevékenység

Ebből az országból várunk résztvevőket:

Albánia, Örményország, Ausztria, Azerbajdzsán, Bosznia-Hercegovina, Ciprus, Cseh Köztársaság, Németország, Dánia, Algéria, Görögország, Finnország, Franciaország, Horvátország, Magyarország, Írország, Izrael, Olaszország, Litvánia, Lettország, Montenegró, Hollandia, Lengyelország, Portugália, Románia, Szerbia, Svédország, Szlovénia, Szlovákia, Törökország, Ukrajna

A tevékenység témaköre

Citizenship and democratic participation

Environment and natural protection

Education and training

Creativity and culture

Jelentkezési határidő

Jelentkezés határideje: 15/09/2023 23:59