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Europske snage solidarnosti

Zajedno snažniji.

Practice, learn, step up!

Asociatia Scoala De Valori

Asociatia Scoala de Valori

Bucharest, Rumunjska


We aim to involve 9 EVS volunteers in activities in Bucharest, in our succesful non-formal education program GROW and in other educational programs for high-school youth. As trainers for the high-school students, EVS volunteers will prepare and deliver non-formal education sessions on various topics related to personal values, self-knowledge, communication abilities, self-efficiency, proactivity, leadership, entrepreneurship, budgeting and career orientation. Complementary, they will participate in a diversified program of informal activities together with the high-school students and our local team. Finally, volunteers and students will “step up” together in applying what they have learned. Thus, they will collaborate in organizing various cultural, social and charitable events in the students’ local community, Bucharest. On a long term, we expect both EVS volunteers and high-school students to improve their EQ, to become more proactive and better prepared for the labor market.

Smještaj, hrana i prijevoz

Accomodation: In Bucharest, we will host volunteers in fully equipped rented apartments (refrigerator, cooking stove, dishware, washing and laundry facilities), in single or double rooms, close to the places of Activities. We will provide volunteers: - 2E daily pocket money and 4E daily food allowance - guidance towards convenient meal locations for meals We will provide round plane tickets to Bucharest from the international airport closest to the volunteer's residence.

Osposobljavanje tijekom aktivnosti

The volunteers will participate in two intensive “Train the trainers” 5 days conferences with our specialists, who will offer them all the necessary tools for developing training skills and delivering non-formal education sessions to high-school students. Participants will be familiarized with an innovative non-formal education program, based on a professionally designed educational curriculum, complementary to the formal educational system.

Profil sudionika

We are looking for EVS volunteers aged 18 to 30, from Portugal, Italy and Spain, who: - Have a good knowledge of English - Are interested in education and in working with high-school students - Are willing to learn about non-formal educational methods and an innovative non-formal education curriculum - Are highly motivated to grow personally and professionally and to have a positive impact in society

Datumi aktivnosti

Od 03/01/2018 Do 07/11/2018

Lokacija aktivnosti

Bucharest, Rumunjska

Individualno volontiranje

Zemlje iz kojih tražimo sudionike

Španjolska, Italija, Portugal

Teme aktivnosti

Education and training

Employment and entrepreneurship

Creativity and culture

Rok za prijavu

Rok za prijavu: 01/04/2017 23:59