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Project in Morocco, Taroudant Medina (for Italians)


Amuddu Chantiers Sans Frontières

Taroudant Medina, Maroka


There are main activities provided by hosting organisation: * Citizenship café: a space is created and managed in organisation headquarters to host debates, projections, cultural and creative activities about youth participation and themes that interest young people. The volunteer can pursue these activities and workshops or pursue new ones. * Environmental activities: this theme is central in the program. Volunteers creates green spaces in schools, makes neighborhoods cleaner, organizes manifestations to make people more conscious about importance of protecting natural environment, valuing recycling to protect environment. * National and international youth exchanges: volunteer will be able to participate or take part in an organisational group of those events. Hosting organisation is going to support a volunteer to develop his/her own personal project. Volunteer is free to make proposals for his/her activities and adapt them to his/her own needs.

Dzīvošana, ēdināšana un transports

Travel costs from Italy to Morocco and later after the project from Morocco back to Italy will be reimbursed as it provided by Erasmus+ rules. Each month volunteer will receive food allowance and pocket money. She won't need to take public transportation to go to association's headquarters as it's close to Volunteers' house. Hosting organisation can also offer the possibility to have a bike if needed.

Mācības pasākuma laikā

Sending organisation are going to organize a pre-departure meeting to help for a volunteer with a preparation for the project and culture. Hosting organisation will support the volunteer in taking part in On Arrival training and Mid term seminar provided by Salto Euromed , including supporting her/him in organizing the travel to other part of Morocco or Tunisia. Volunteer will have a possibility to participate in some national youth exchanges.

Dalībnieka profils

* 18-30 years old; * Italian citizen or resident; * wish to learn about culture of Morocco; * interest in human rights, environment, culture and youth issues; * the previous experience related with Maghreb would be accepted as an advantage. We don't have any preferences for the gender of volunteer. We are going to chose a volunteer with a strongest motivation and as already mentioned previous experience in the region could be accepted as an advantage. Project is open for youngsters with less opportunities: disability, economical or learning obstacles, unemployment, etc.

Pasākuma datums

No 01/11/2017 līdz 31/10/2018

Pasākuma vieta

Taroudant Medina, Maroka

Individuāls brīvprātīgais darbs

Meklējam dalībniekus no šīm valstīm


Pasākuma temati

Pieteikumu iesniegšanas termiņš

Pieteikuma iesniegšanas termiņš: 14/09/2017 23:59