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An Cór Dlúthpháirtíochta Eorpach

I dteannta a chéile is treise sinn

One year project in a cultural organisation (Catania, Sicily)


Zō Associazione culturale

Catania, an Iodáil

Cur síos

Zō Associazione culturale runs a multidisciplinary culture center called Zō centro culture contemporanee, in the south of Italy (Catania, Sicily). During the year, Zō is programming and producing cultural events (theatre and dance performances, concerts, cinema projections, festivals, laboratories, workshops...), with a particular attention to the education and the social innovation. We are looking for two volunteers for a long term volunteering project (12 months) starting in February 2024, interested in supporting our team in the daily routine, willing to help us managing and promoting our events ( communication and photo documentation ), curious to learn how to set up theatre/dance performances and concerts (always with the help and under the supervision of our technical director), happy to help us grow our little garden.

Socruithe lóistín, bia agus iompair

The volunteers will be accommodated in a shared apartment located in the center of the city, equipped with all common facilities (fully equipped kitchen, internet, washing machine) and will have their own rooms. Zō will provide a food allowance to the volunteers, therefore they will have the possibility to cook they own meal in the flat or to eat in one of the many restaurants in Catania.

Próifíl an rannpháirtí

We are looking for a person : - curious - friendly - open to develop her/his creativity - pro-active - flexible (the work schedule depending on the program of events) - multitasking (as activities take place in a multidisciplinary space)

Dátaí na Gníomhaíochta

Ón 01/02/2024 go dtí an 31/01/2025

Suíomh na Gníomhaíochta

Piazzale Rocco Chinnici, 6, Catania, an Iodáil

Obair dheonach aonair

Tá rannpháirtithe á lorg ó na tíortha seo a leanas

Críoch Antartach na Breataine, Angaíle, an Albáin, an Airméin, an Ostair, Arúba, an Asarbaiseáin, an Bhoisnia agus an Heirseagaivéin, an Bheilg, an Bhulgáir, Saint-Barthélemy, Beirmiúda, Bonaire Sint Eustatius agus Saba, an Bhealarúis, Na hOileáin Chanáracha, Cúrasó, an Chipir, Poblacht na Seice, an Ghearmáin, an Danmhairg, an Ailgéir, an Eastóin, an Éigipt, an Ghréig, an Spáinn, an Fhionlainn, Oileáin Fháclainne, an Fhrainc, an tSeoirsia, Guáin na Fraince, an Ghraonlainn, Guadalúip, an Chróit, an Ungáir, Éire, Iosrael, Críoch Aigéan Indiach na Breataine, an Íoslainn, an Iodáil, an Iordáin, Oileáin Cayman, an Liobáin, Lichtinstéin, an Liotuáin, Lucsamburg, an Laitvia, an Libia, Maracó, an Mholdóiv (Poblacht na Moldóive), Montainéagró, Saint-Martin (an chuid Fhrancach), an Mhacadóin Thuaidh, Martinique, Montsarat, Málta, an Nua-Chaladóin, an Ísiltír, an Iorua, Polainéis na Fraince, an Pholainn, St Pierre and Miquelon, Pitcairn, an Phalaistín, an Phortaingéil, La Réunion, an Rómáin, an tSeirbia, Cónaidhm na Rúise, an tSualainn, Saint Helena, an tSlóivéin, an tSlóvaic, Sint Maarten (an chuid Ollannach), Poblacht Arabach na Siria, Oileáin na dTurcach agus Caicos, Críocha an Deiscirt agus an Antartaigh de chuid na Fraince, an Túinéis, an Tuirc, an Úcráin, Ógh-Oileáin na Breataine, Vailís agus Futúna, Kosovo * UN resolution

Ábhair na gníomhaíochta

Education and training

Employment and entrepreneurship

Creativity and culture

Spriocdháta le haghaidh iarratas

Spriocdháta d'iarratas: 04/12/2023 23:59