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Eiropas Solidaritātes korpuss

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Association for Shared Learning ELA


Association for Shared Learning ELA

Sturgel village, Bulgārija


Association for Shared Learning ELA is working with children and young people, helping them find their way in life and/or overcome a difficult stage they are going through. After many years of work on various national and European projects, today we have focused our efforts in: 1. To create a Green Education Center in the village of Sturgel, Bulgaria where we can continue to support children in their growth by implementing our programs for non-formal education. 2. We work with children from vulnerable groups and refugee children in our office in Sofia, where we provide them with educational support. 3. We raise funds and conduct outdoor children's camps, where children from different ethnic groups and nationalities get to know themselves and overcome their prejudices towards others in a playful and non-formal way.

Dzīvošana, ēdināšana un transports

Accommodation for the 60-day mobility period, monthly food allowance, pocket money and local transport are provided. Funds for plane tickets are covered within the projected project budget.

Mācības pasākuma laikā

The volunteer will be included in the cycle of training organised by the National Agency and will receive introductory training related to the performance of the tasks, as well as all necessary additional training to evaluate the learning outcomes. The participant will get access to the OLS platform for training in the Bulgarian language.

Dalībnieka profils

We are looking for 6 motivated volunteers for 2 months of service to support the organisation in the following activities: activities related to organising events for children; support activities when we organise pieces of training with children; support activities in organising children's camps, fun weekends, training for children and other classes that we traditionally hold; maintenance of the building and garden, including woodworking, working with natural materials and finishing repair works; development of programs for children and work with children

Pasākuma datums

A total of 8 week(s) during the period 31/07/2024 to 28/09/2024

Pasākuma vieta

Sturgel village, Bulgārija

Individuāls brīvprātīgais darbs

Meklējam dalībniekus no šīm valstīm

Austrija, Beļģija, Kipra, Čehijas Republika, Vācija, Igaunija, Grieķija, Spānija, Francija, Ungārija, Itālija, Lietuva, Luksemburga, Latvija, Malta, Nīderlande, Polija, Portugāle, Rumānija, Slovēnija, Slovākija

Pasākuma temati

Social challenges

Reception and integration of refugees and migrants

Education and training

Working against discrimination (including gender discrimination)

Pieteikumu iesniegšanas termiņš

Pieteikuma iesniegšanas termiņš: 30/06/2024 23:59