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Futebol de Rua - Street Football - Change Lives Through Sports


Associação CAIS - Projecto Futebol de Rua

Lisbon, Portugāle


Volunteers will have the chance to take part in a nation-wide project that uses Street football as a tool to improve and change lives of young people that are struggling with social disadvantages. The project started in 2004 and give to the participants the possibility to play an inclusive sport and at the same time develop their life skills. These project is based in Lisbon but is run all around Portugal. In this project, the volunteers will help to develop and implement street football tournaments (district and national), help to develop life skills workshop for the tournament participants, and be part of the “Futebol de Rua” Project team in every event and initiative. During this ESC experience, the volunteer will have the opportunity to travel from south to north of Portugal, with CAIS staff, and will interact with all the participants and organizations, sharing their culture, volunteer experience and the Erasmus+ Program opportunities with them.

Dzīvošana, ēdināšana un transports

The volunteers will live near Lisbon, 20 min to city centre using public transportation, in a 2-bedroom house. The rent and house expenses (gas, water, internet, and electricity) are paid by CAIS. The volunteers will receive a monthly pocket money (150€) and food allowance (150€) for food expenses. Adding to this, CAIS will pay the total coast for public transportation (40€/month).

Mācības pasākuma laikā

All participants will have the opportunity to develop the knowledge about Non-Formal Education, Portuguese language and Portuguese culture, since its a Nationwide project. We'll provide the opportunity to visit all the districts of Portugal and learn the cultural on different cities. The volunteers will have training tailormade to their need. In CAIS, they will receive training in Portuguese. During the execution of the project, the volunteers will have the opportunity to attend soft skills development workshops, using Non-Formal Education as a Methodology. Also, they will attend an On-Arrival

Dalībnieka profils

CAIS is looking for 4 volunteers that want to learn how to use sports as a tool for social and life skills development with young people with social disadvantages. We’re are looking for volunteers that believe in the power of Non-Formal Education as a tool to intervene with the participants and believe that sports, in this case street football, is a great vehicle to use and improve soft skills that will be crucial for the future of this beneficiaries.These volunteers have to be capable to help with all the logistics of the tournaments.

Pasākuma datums

No 01/05/2024 līdz 18/10/2024

Pasākuma vieta

Rua do Vale Formoso de Cima - 49- 53, Lisbon, Portugāle

Individuāls brīvprātīgais darbs

Meklējam dalībniekus no šīm valstīm

Beļģija, Vācija, Spānija, Francija, Nīderlande

Pasākuma temati

Social challenges

Education and training

Pieteikumu iesniegšanas termiņš

Pieteikuma iesniegšanas termiņš: 20/05/2024 23:59