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Europees Solidariteitskorps

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Projektschule Graz

Graz, Oostenrijk


PLEASE SEND YOUR APPLICATION TO Please write your CV an motivation letter, and explain, what motivates you to work in a democratic and creativity-driven primary school. Who we are: Projektschule Graz is a private school, founded by parents 43 years ago. It is in the city centre of Graz, which is a buzzing University town. We have 80 kids in the age of 6-10. Besides reading, writing and maths, the kids learn how to express themselves (vocally and in artistic ways), how they feel, what they need. The students learn democracy and to care about others and the environment. As a volunteer, you can accompany school life every day, you can be the second person in the classroom and support kids individually, eat with the kids, spend time with them in our beautiful garden. You can bring in your own creativity and your passions (arts, music, theatre, dance…). We believe that school is more than the official curriculum. As our name says: we have room for projects!

Regelingen voor accommodatie, eten, en vervoer

Accommodation: Single room in a student hostel. Food: Daily fresh meals at school (we have our own cook!) and money for self supply.

Wat leer je?

On-Arrival and Mid-Term trainings, provided by the national agency; German language course.

Wie zoeken we?

PLEASE SEND YOUR APPLICATION TO Please write your CV an motivation letter, and explain, what motivates you to work in a democratic and creativity-driven primary school. We accept documents in word or pdf format. Requirements: responsible and motivated to help students, and assist teachers; open-minded, active, initiative; able to deal with children of different age and social backgrounds; interest in alternative pedagogy; specific skills in arts, music, handicrafts, sports.

Begin- en einddatum

Van 02/04/2024 tot 31/07/2024


Moserhofgasse 3a, Graz, Oostenrijk

Individueel vrijwilligerswerk

Voor deelnemers uit:

Albanië, Oostenrijk, Bosnië en Herzegovina, België, Bulgarije, Cyprus, Tsjechië, Duitsland, Denemarken, Estland, Griekenland, Spanje, Finland, Frankrijk, Georgië, Kroatië, Hongarije, Ierland, IJsland, Italië, Liechtenstein, Litouwen, Luxemburg, Letland, Moldova (Republic of), Montenegro, Noord-Macedonië, Malta, Nederland, Noorwegen, Polen, Portugal, Roemenië, Servië, Zweden, Slovenië, Slowakije, Oekraïne, Kosovo * UN resolution


Citizenship and democratic participation

Education and training

Uiterste sollicitatiedatum

Uiterste inschrijvingsdatum: 11/03/2024 23:59