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Volunteering in the Autism Center in Krakow

Internationaler Bund Polska

Autism Center

Krakow, Polija


We are looking for one volunteer to our project in the Autism Center in Krakow. This person will be supporting students aged 7-18 in the everyday tasks, helping to prepare the space, materials, decorations, school performances, assisting during the walks, trips, during activities in the pool. Additionaly volunteer will participate in activities prepared by Internationaler Bund Polska, trainings provided by Polish National Agency. I f you want to apply, please read this offer carefully, because we contact only people, who send us the special form.

Dzīvošana, ēdināšana un transports

All volunteers are placed in the flats rent for the purpose by coordinating organisation Internationaler Bund Polska. There is up to 4 people in one flat. There is alway shared bathroom and kitchen in each flat. Flats are placed usualy in the neighbourhood of the hosting organisations, not in the city center. We provide monthly cards for all volunteers, which helps to get to the work and to participate in other activities. Volunteers get travel costs back when they arrive to the project. They get pocket money and food allowance. There is also health insurance provived.

Mācības pasākuma laikā

Volunteers participate in 2 obligatory trainings offered by Polish National Agency: on-arrival training and mid-term evaluation. IB Polska organises regular meetings with all volunteers each Thursday of the month and additionaly meetings connected with different topics connected with the project: ecology, well-being, self-development, Polish culture and history. Each volunteer has preparatoty meeting in the beginning of his/her activity: with coordinators from IB Polska and later on in the hosting organisation

Dalībnieka profils

We are looking for volunteers that I least know what autism is and they have some small experience in volunteering in similar places (or with people with disabilities). Age of candidate: 18-30 , accordingly to the ESC rules. We are looking for patient and open-minded person, whom likes to work with children. It's good if the candidate has manual skills. Communicative English is enough. We contact only people who fulfil the form for candidates in English here:

Pasākuma datums

No 02/05/2024 līdz 30/06/2025

Pasākuma vieta

Krakow, Polija

Individuāls brīvprātīgais darbs

Meklējam dalībniekus no šīm valstīm

British Antarctic Territory, Angilja, Albānija, Armēnija, Austrija, Aruba, Azerbaidžāna, Bosnija un Hercegovina, Beļģija, Bulgārija, Senbartelmī, Bermudu Salas, Bonaire Sint Eustatius and Saba, Baltkrievija, Canary Islands, Kirasao, Kipra, Čehijas Republika, Vācija, Dānija, Alžīrija, Igaunija, Ēģipte, Grieķija, Spānija, Somija, Folklenda (Malvinu) Salas, Francija, Gruzija, Francijas Gviāna, Grenlande, Gvadelupa, Horvātija, Ungārija, Īrija, Izraēla, Britu Indijas Okeāna Teritorija, Islande, Itālija, Jordānija, Kaimanu Salas, Libāna, Lihtenšteina, Lietuva, Luksemburga, Latvija, Lībija, Maroka, Moldova (Republic of), Melnkalne, Saint Martin (french part), Ziemeļmaķedonija, Martinika, Montserrata, Malta, Jaunkaledonija, Nīderlande, Norvēģija, Francijas Polinēzija, Polija, St Pierre and Miquelon, Pitcairn, Palestīna, Portugāle, Reinjona, Rumānija, Serbija, Russian Federation, Zviedrija, Saint Helena, Slovēnija, Slovākija, Sint Maarten (dutch part), Syrian Arab Republic, Tērksas un Kaikosas Salas, French Southern and Antarctic Territories, Tunisija, Turcija, Ukraina, Virgin Islands (British), Volisa un Futunas Salas, Kosovo * UN resolution

Pasākuma temati

Environment and natural protection

Health and wellbeing

Creativity and culture

Pieteikumu iesniegšanas termiņš

Pieteikuma iesniegšanas termiņš: 31/05/2024 23:59