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Európai Szolidaritási Testület

A közösség ereje

Content Creator at LOGO Youth Information Centre

LOGO jugendmanagement gmbh

LOGO jugendmanagement

Graz, Ausztria


APPLY here: ||| Application on the system are not considered ||| LOGO Jugendmanagement is a non-governmental organization that offers youth information services, youth centers, and European youth projects. Our Youth Information Service aims to empower young citizens by providing relevant content and services. We are looking for a Content Creator for our communication team. Your responsibilities will include planning and creating engaging content for our social media platforms, including videos, images, and text posts. It is important to be familiar with video editing applications. We offer a diverse and friendly community, flexible working schedule, and the opportunity to work independently. | More information can be found on

Szállás, étkezés és utazás

A single room at a student's dormitory with a shared kitchen and a bathroom; public transport for the region of Styria; a bicycle; 300 Euros/monthly for self-supply; 210 Euros/month for pocket money.

Képzés a tevékenység során

The volunteer will participate in On Arrival Training and Mid Term Training organized by the Austrian National Agency. Technical Support will be ongoing provided in LOGO Youth Information Service. The volunteer will be able to take German course and use Online Linguistic Support in order to learn the German language.

Résztvevői profil

interested in social media and youth topics; enjoys working behind and in front of a camera and creating engaging content; quick learner in using digital tools and applications; communicative and active, engaging with various groups of people; helpful and reliable team player, willing to assist in office tasks and event management; creative and initiative-taking, ready to work independently. !!! Fill out the questionnaire and upload your CV along with a motivation letter:

A tevékenység ideje

A total of 48 week(s) during the period 01/10/2024 to 30/09/2025

A tevékenység helyszíne

Karmeliterplatz 2, Graz, Ausztria

Egyéni önkéntes tevékenység

Ebből az országból várunk résztvevőket:

Albánia, Örményország, Ausztria, Azerbajdzsán, Bosznia-Hercegovina, Belgium, Bulgária, Ciprus, Cseh Köztársaság, Németország, Dánia, Észtország, Görögország, Spanyolország, Finnország, Franciaország, Grúzia, Horvátország, Magyarország, Írország, Izland, Olaszország, Liechtenstein, Litvánia, Luxemburg, Lettország, Moldova (Republic of), Montenegró, Észak-Macedónia, Málta, Hollandia, Norvégia, Lengyelország, Portugália, Románia, Szerbia, Svédország, Szlovénia, Szlovákia, Törökország, Ukrajna, Kosovo * UN resolution

A tevékenység témaköre

Citizenship and democratic participation

Education and training

Creativity and culture

Jelentkezési határidő

Jelentkezés határideje: 30/06/2024 23:59