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Corpo europeo di solidarietà

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Non-formal education in a highschool


Association de gestion du Lycée Agricole et Rural Privé de Soule

Berrogain-Laruns, Francia


The Lycée Agricole, located in Mauléon, South West of France, is looking for volunteers who will have the opportunity to work along with the students, the teachers and the employees of the school, in order to create an intercultural environment (by organizing projects, extracurricular activities, participation to languages classes...). The education is mainly focused on the field of agriculture. The 2 volunteers will develop and implement linguistic activities. They will be involved in the preparation of the students who participate in trainings abroad and assist to the school's documentation center to furnish documentary data about Europe. They will set up leisure time and sports activities with the students attending the boarding school (around 300 students) and participate in educational projects about health, environment and sustainable development. The school is located in a rural area.

Alloggio, vitto e trasporto

The 2 volunteers will share an independent apartment located in the high school property. They will have the possibility to take their meals at the school and also receive a monthly food budget. A car will be put at the disposal of the volunteers for errands and to discover the surroundings.

Formazione durante l'attività

French language support will be provided within the school. The volunteers will participate in an on-arrival and a midterm training organised by the National Agency. The costs are covered. The placement is coordinated by Pistes-Solidaires who will ensure external tutoring and training with other volunteers hosted in other local cities.

Profilo del partecipante

18-25 years old The volunteers should be open and have good relationship-building skills, an interest for non-formal education. Creativity will be also necessary to propose activities to the students. Volunteers should have a good command of French and English or Spanish. The driving license is necessary. Please send your CV and motivation letter in English or French. Only complete applications will be taken into consideration.

Data dell'attività

Dal 30/09/2024 al 30/06/2025

Luogo dell'attività

Berrogain-Laruns, Francia

Volontariato individuale

Cercasi partecipanti da

Austria, Belgio, Bulgaria, Cipro, Repubblica ceca, Germania, Danimarca, Estonia, Grecia, Spagna, Finlandia, Croazia, Ungheria, Irlanda, Italia, Lituania, Lussemburgo, Lettonia, Malta, Paesi Bassi, Norvegia, Polonia, Portogallo, Romania, Svezia, Slovenia, Slovacchia

Argomenti dell'attività

Education and training

Creativity and culture

Termine per la presentazione delle candidature

Nessuna scadenza