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10 months volunteering project in a social enterprise in Catania, IT TRUE - Together Realize Unique Experience


Il Nodo Consorzio di Cooperative Sociali

Catania, Italia


Tasks of volunteers: In the first month, the volunteers will be visiting different communities where the foreign minors or adults are hosted, to get to know about each context. Later on, the volunteers will be deciding which community they would like to pursue their volunteering experience. Volunteers will support the social and youth workers in the communities during the accompaniment of political asylum seekers and their integration: • dealing with practices for obtaining international protection (appointments at police headquarters, office immigration, municipal offices); • the conduct of health practices (enrollment in the NHS, medical check-ups, medical examinations specialist); • integration activities in the territory (meetings and workshops in associations, schools, sports tournaments, cultural events, out-of-town trips, twinnings with reception projects of neighboring territories, public events, awareness raising about citizenship); • tutoring in employment guidance

Alloggio, vitto e trasporto

Accommodation The 4 volunteers will be hosted in an apartment, in single rooms, fully equipped with all the facilities, and provided with kitchen equipment, bed sheets, blankets, and towels. Internet connection will be provided. The apartment will be in the Centre of the city. Address: Via Conte Ruggero, 28 Catania Food The food money is 170 € per month according to Erasmus+ rules for Italy. Payment will be made monthly as bank transfer in each volunteer’s bank account. According to their shifts, volunteers can also have lunch or dinner in the communities together with the beneficiaries

Formazione durante l'attività

Volunteers will have online course of Italian through the European platform OLS. The Italian courses for basic level (A0-A1) provided for the foreign beneficiaries in Consorzio Il Nodo are available also for the ESC volunteers. They will be required to make an Italian language test before the arrival and at the end of the service to check their linguistic improvements. Orientation The volunteers will register for the participation of on-arrival and mid-term evaluation meetings organized by Italian National Agency.

Profilo del partecipante

Interest in main field of work of the hosting organisation: immigration and reception, protection and education, family support, active labor policies, disability, and social agriculture. Will of work concretely in inclusion process of young people with asylum/immigration background or social difficulties/ young offenders or young people at risk to offend. Capacity to adapt to a professional working context of a social cooperative and to a challenging urban context like Catania.

Data dell'attività

Dal 25/09/2024 al 24/07/2025

Luogo dell'attività

Via Vincenzo Giuffrida 203/C , Catania, Italia

Volontariato individuale

Cercasi partecipanti da

Albania, Armenia, Azerbaigian, Bosnia-Erzegovina, Bulgaria, Canary Islands, Croazia, Turchia, Cipro, Repubblica ceca, Danimarca, Francia, Georgia, Estonia, Finlandia, Germania, Grecia, Lettonia, Lituania, Ungheria, Montenegro, Serbia, Slovenia, Slovacchia, Romania, Norvegia, Macedonia del Nord, Svezia, Irlanda, Paesi Bassi, Belgio, Austria, Polonia, Ucraina, Russian Federation, Moldova (Republic of)

Argomenti dell'attività

Reception and integration of refugees and migrants

Education and training


Termine per la presentazione delle candidature

Termine di presentazione delle domande: 22/07/2024 23:59