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An Cór Dlúthpháirtíochta Eorpach

I dteannta a chéile is treise sinn

European Bridge in Our Mind - ESC in Georgia, Rustavi


Association "Georgian Youth for Europe"

Rustavi, an tSeoirsia

Cur síos

"European bridges in our Mind" The project’s mission is to promote available initiatives and non-formal education activities for young people and children from Rustavi city. The project will extend the local youth and children opportunities to realize themselves in physical and intellectual fields, and actively participate in the local and international project development and implementation. The main activities will be implemented in conjunction with two objectives: development of civil society and international development cooperation. GYE would like to host Polish ESC volunteers and give them and local Georgian youth a possibility to exchange their experience, their views on numerous issues, thus breaking down any stereotypes, eliminating prejudices and experiencing similarities and differences between different European countries.

Socruithe lóistín, bia agus iompair

Food-Allowance: A monthly allowance is provided by the hosting organisation (€ 180,00) - Includes pockets and food money. Accommodation: All the costs related with the accommodation will be covered by the hosting organisation. Volunteer will share the flat with 3 more volunteers (every volunteer has their own sleeping room) situated i about 5 minutes walking distance from the town center and 1 min walking distance from Hosting organisation.

Oiliúint le linn na gníomhaíochta

On-Arrival Training will be organised by SALTO-EECA MTM meeting will be organised by SALTO-EECA

Próifíl an rannpháirtí

Project is open only only for Polish , Slovak and Estonian volunteers. GYE doesn’t have any guidelines for gender or age. Any special skills are not required, the main criterion is applicant's motivation and reasons why he or she would like to participate in the project activities and volunteering in Georgia. Preference was given to volunteers who are really willing to work with youths, organize different activities. Having some experience working in eco-friendly atmosphere and outdoor.

Dátaí na Gníomhaíochta

Ón 01/02/2022 go dtí an 01/10/2023

Suíomh na Gníomhaíochta

Batumi str 22, Rustavi, an tSeoirsia

Obair dheonach aonair

Tá rannpháirtithe á lorg ó na tíortha seo a leanas

an Pholainn

Ábhair na gníomhaíochta

Social challenges

Employment and entrepreneurship

Creativity and culture

Spriocdháta le haghaidh iarratas

Níl aon spriocdháta ann