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Planting Syntrofia - A permaculture project in Crete

Evolving Cycles

Chania, Crete, Grieķija


Community Lab is one of Evolving Cycles non profit organization ecotopias that designs and implements social permaculture projects. Its intention is to establish hubs of regeneration in different places around Crete and south of Greece in order to fight the climate and social crisis. Through the establishment of permaculture projects, we offer alternatives of entrepreneurship, lifestyle and collaboration inspired by degrowth theory, transition movement and rural rehabilitation. Mission: Rediscover what it means to be indigenous to the land that we inhabit. Vision: A permaculture educational center for dry-climate Mediterranean landscapes The focus now is to kick-start the regeneration of the land and to multiply its productivity through the establishment of annual permaculture gardens and food forest. Syntrofia's social role Garipa village is still under formation, so we will be welcoming 2 new community members, not just volunteers. Read InfoPack:

Dzīvošana, ēdināšana un transports

We are looking for committed volunteers passionate about permaculture and land regeneration, prepared mentally and physically to work outdoors. Prior experience in gardening, forestry, environmental engineering, botany and facilitation tools will be appreciated but they are not prerequisite. A PDC diploma is also a plus. Our work is based on clear, commonly consented agreements, followed by feedback processes and collaboration procedures that respect each one’s emotions and perspective, taking into consideration privileges like race, class, sex, etc. Join us and be part of our community!

Mācības pasākuma laikā

Volunteers will be introduced in practical agricultural and construction activities: - Principles of Permaculture, Water management and Syntropic Agriculture - Annual vegetable production in Mediterranean climate - Use of electrical and manual agricultural tools like trimmers.. - Harvesting and production of olive oil - Sustainable use of resources (renewable energy) - Natural building - Compost making - Feedback processes, theories and techniques - Taking care of the farm (cleaning, fixes, maintenance) - Living in rural areas and connecting with local tradition culture

Dalībnieka profils

We are looking for committed volunteers passionate about permaculture and land regeneration, prepared mentally and physically to work outdoors. Prior experience in gardening, forestry, environmental engineering, botany and facilitation tools will be appreciated but they are not prerequisite. A PDC diploma is also a plus. Our work is based on clear, commonly consented agreements, followed by feedback processes and collaboration procedures that respect each one’s emotions and perspective, taking into consideration privileges like race, class, sex, etc. Join us and be part of our community!

Pasākuma datums

No 15/10/2024 līdz 02/04/2025

Pasākuma vieta

Garipa village, Chania, Crete, Grieķija

Individuāls brīvprātīgais darbs

Meklējam dalībniekus no šīm valstīm

Austrija, Bulgārija, Horvātija, Kipra, Čehijas Republika, Dānija, Igaunija, Somija, Francija, Vācija, Beļģija, Ungārija, Islande, Īrija, Itālija, Latvija, Lietuva, Malta, Luksemburga, Norvēģija, Nīderlande, Polija, Portugāle, Rumānija, Slovākija, Slovēnija, Spānija, Zviedrija, Canary Islands

Pasākuma temati

Social challenges

Environment and natural protection

Nutrition and subsistence agriculture

Pieteikumu iesniegšanas termiņš

Pieteikuma iesniegšanas termiņš: 05/09/2024 11:59