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Europske snage solidarnosti

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URGENT - Learn how to grow mushrooms - Long term volunteering in France


Carcassonne, Francuska


We are looking for 1 more mushroom lover, who will work in this circular economy project called Café Vert! This project started years ago, with formation and lots of experimentation, and since 2020, our ESC volunteers are part of this experience. Our cooperative IDC's projects aim to raise awareness about the actual context we are living and to propose and create solutions to be part of a positive change in a social, cultural and environmental aspect. In this project especifically, we will reuse waste to create new life. You will collect coffee waste from cafés and restaurants and mix it with mycellieum to grow oyster mushrooms. Then monitor their growth, harvest and sell them in a local market. And after harvesting, we use that new “waste” in our earth-worm farm, which is great to create new and rich soil for plants. Infopack:

Smještaj, hrana i prijevoz

The volunteer will stay in shared rooms with other person of the same sex, in an appartment in the city center of Carcassonne (just some meters from the main square!). All the transport from the city to the campsite, related to the activities, are covered. Volunteers will share the common tasks of cleaning, cooking and arranging the place. We will give the food budget so that volunteers can make the shopping. We don’t buy industrial food and we try to eat as local and seasonal as possible. And of course, we eat very, very local, eco and fresh mushrooms!

Osposobljavanje tijekom aktivnosti

Volunteers will learn how to grow mushrooms from coffee waste (from the collection step to the selling of the products), how to structure and communicate workshops and events in our eco-boutique, how to participate in local markets, and they will learn different sustainable practices to be more ethical and respectful with the environment. They will be able to lead them after or to propose new ideas/projects around sustainability, local and organic agriculture, intercultural exchange...

Profil sudionika

We are looking for youngsters who want to invest themselves in a new life experience, with lots of challenges and learnings! Motivation to learn how to grow mushrooms is a must! The activities are a bit of a routine, but it demands lots of observation in the details to make sure that the production will go as planned. There is also space for creativity and new ideas, in terms of improvement of the activities, creating cool content to share the project, creating events, etc. French is a bonus!

Datumi aktivnosti

Od 12/11/2024 Do 25/05/2025

Lokacija aktivnosti

Carcassonne, Francuska

Individualno volontiranje

Zemlje iz kojih tražimo sudionike

Austrija, Belgija, Njemačka, Španjolska, Italija, Portugal, Grčka, Estonija, Rumunjska, Danska

Teme aktivnosti

Environment and natural protection

Rok za prijavu

Prijava nije vremenski ograničena