Dagtek Art & Crafts
Dagtek Serviceenhet
Dagtek Serviceenhet (Kårkulla samkommun)
Ekenäs, Somija
We invite you to apply directly at https://maailmanvaihto.fi/en/volunteer-in-finland/esc-available-projects, avoiding the portal -˃ Visit the website, download and fill out the application form, then send your application to esc@maailmanvaihto.fi. Please, note that we only accept application forms that can be downloaded from our website. No other versions will be considered. - Dagtek, part of Western Uusimaa's wellness services, supports people with intellectual disabilities through a craft workshop. Here, 20 participants engage in activities such as weaving and printing on fabric, producing items sold in the DAKOHA store. Located in Ekenäs, Dagtek offers classes with artists and visits to local exhibitions. European Solidarity Corps volunteers assist clients with daily activities and contribute to the “Dagtek Chronicles” magazine and the organization of social events, creating an inclusive and vibrant community. - Don't miss this opportunity! Apply now on maailmanvaihto.fi
Dzīvošana, ēdināšana un transports
- The volunteers will live in a shared flat of three volunteers. - Lunch will be offered at Dagtek. Other meals will be cooked by the volunteer and the volunteer will get a food allowance.
Mācības pasākuma laikā
The volunteer will have an on-arrival training camp and mid-term evaluation camp organised by the Finnish National Agency of the European Solidarity Corps. The volunteer will get access to the Online Language Support (OLS) tool of the European Solidarity Corps to support learning Swedish.
Dalībnieka profils
We are looking for volunteers interested in working with adults (18–60-year-olds) with different types of intellectual disabilities, autistic disorders, or minor learning challenges. It is important that the volunteer is socially active, flexible, and motivated to participate in community life, meaning being there for the clients and communicating actively with them. It is also important that the volunteer has open communication with the staff team and shares their ideas and observations with them. The working language of Dagtek is Swedish, so it is important to be motivated to learn Swedish. It is also important to be able to tolerate fast-changing situations.
Pasākuma datums
No 17/02/2025 līdz 16/02/2026
Pasākuma vieta
Ekenäs, Somija
Individuāls brīvprātīgais darbs
Meklējam dalībniekus no šīm valstīm
Nīderlande, Apvienotā Karaliste, Volisa un Futunas Salas, Igaunija, Virgin Islands (British), Baltkrievija, Jaunkaledonija, Ungārija, Ukraina, Čehijas Republika, Tērksas un Kaikosas Salas, Tunisija, Turcija, Dānija, Syrian Arab Republic, Somija, St Pierre and Miquelon, Slovēnija, Slovākija, Serbija, Vācija, Senbartelmī, Saint Martin (french part), Saint Helena, Reinjona, Zviedrija, Rumānija, Francijas Polinēzija, Francijas Gviāna, Francija, Polija, Portugāle, Ziemeļmaķedonija, Pitcairn, Palestīna, Norvēģija, Montserrata, Melnkalne, Moldova (Republic of), Martinika, Maroka, Malta, Luksemburga, Lietuva, Lihtenšteina, Lībija, Libāna, Latvija, Kipra, Horvātija, Grieķija, Kosovo * UN resolution, Jordānija, Austrija, Itālija, Izraēla, Islande, Īrija, Gvadelupa, Grenlande, Gruzija, French Southern and Antarctic Territories, Folklenda (Malvinu) Salas, Spānija, Ēģipte, Kirasao, Kaimanu Salas, Canary Islands, Bulgārija, Britu Indijas Okeāna Teritorija, British Antarctic Territory, Bosnija un Hercegovina, Bonaire Sint Eustatius and Saba, Bermudu Salas, Beļģija, Azerbaidžāna, Aruba, Armēnija, Angilja, Alžīrija, Albānija
Pasākuma temati
Health and wellbeing
Creativity and culture
Pieteikumu iesniegšanas termiņš
Pieteikuma iesniegšanas termiņš: 25/10/2024 12:00