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Europees Solidariteitskorps

De kracht van samen

Interculturale/intergenerational education and no formal learning

Askvoll Frivilligsentral

Nærmiljøsentralen, Helsehuset, 6988 Askvoll. Latitude: 61.347700270, longitude: 5.0650405883

Askvoll municipality, Noorwegen


Our main target is young and elderly people. Our purpose is: To be a locally anchored meeting place, open for all who wish to participate in volunteering. Establish contact across generations. Be a resource centre for volunteering and a contact point for organizations and public agencies. Our aims are: Helping to strengthen and preserve the individual`s social network and contact. Coordinating volunteer work. Encorurage contact and cooperation between teams and organizations, and the public. To day we organize several meeting places for the elderly. These meeting places have diffrent contents; some have small cultural activities, other just tee, coffee and small talk. We also assist at the youth club and kindergarten. We arrange outdoor activities mostly in the summertime, but also sometimes during winter.

Regelingen voor accommodatie, eten, en vervoer

The municipality will carter for propper accommodation and assist if and when transportation are needed. Pocket money and funds for food on a monthly basis.

Wat leer je?

Volunteers will be given the opportunity to gain diverse experience, witch they can use in the future. Such as organising. Understanding of our culture and participation in teamwork are the implications of another learning. Volunteering organizations will be a part of coursing/ training volunteers e.g Life support, formal learning and practical tasks, non- formal learning. The volunteers will be allowed to propose, create and carry out their own project, if they want to.

Wie zoeken we?

It is important that he volunteers must be self assured, mature and adventurous. We want volunteers who are: Creative, adoptable, and able to work in team. Posess good communication and social skills. Have a clean police record requirnent by law. Willing to learn Norwegian. Able to cope with a rough climate. Able to work independently if necessar. Willing to work at evenings and weekends, when needed in some instance.

Begin- en einddatum

A total of 52 week(s) during the period 01/09/2018 to 30/09/2019


Prestemarka 1, Helsehuset, Askvoll municipality, Noorwegen

Individueel vrijwilligerswerk

Voor deelnemers uit:


Creativity and culture

Uiterste sollicitatiedatum

Uiterste inschrijvingsdatum: 01/04/2018 23:59