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YOUTHQUAKE: summer EVS in Fiastra lake area



Fiastra (Macerata), Italia


This flow is part of the YOUTHQUAKE strategic EVS project, aiming at employing the energies and skills of european volunteers to help rebuild the physical spaces and the society's cohesion of an historically and naturally rich area in central Italy hit by an earthquake in 2016. In this mobility, your activties will involve (but not be limited to): Fiastra lake area’s cleaning and maintenance, organisational support to events in the municipal area, support to the management of the tourist Info point, promotion of the area on social networks. Support to the activities of the Centro Educazione Ambientale Valle del Fiastrone (Parco Nazionale dei Monti Sibillini).

Alloggio, vitto e trasporto

Volunteers will live in Fiastra’s Primary school, furnished with camp beds and cooking facilities. Transport will be on foot, by bike or with the municipality minibus (for longer trips). Volunteers will get a pocket money, a food allowance and the return trip to Fiastra covered.

Formazione durante l'attività

- On arrival and mid-term trainings - Support in making the Youthpass - On-line and in person language lessons (italian) A tutor and a mentor will follow you during the mobility period.

Profilo del partecipante

Good communicator, language skills (knowledge of Italian is preferred), experience in manual, crafting, technical, environmental activities. Most important, interest, enthusiasm and willingness to get engaged in the activities within a multicultural environment. Volunteers need to find a Sending Organisation from their own country. Note: VISA costs are not covered. When applying please consider the time need for obtaining a VISA (can be over a month) to make sure you will be available for the given dates.

Data dell'attività

Dal 30/06/2018 al 31/08/2018

Luogo dell'attività

Fiastra (Macerata), Italia

Volontariato individuale

Cercasi partecipanti da

Argomenti dell'attività

Citizenship and democratic participation

Disaster prevention and recovery

Environment and natural protection

Creativity and culture

Termine per la presentazione delle candidature

Termine di presentazione delle domande: 26/06/2018 23:59