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Euroopan solidaarisuusjoukot


Disability Inclusion - APF

Casa Columba

APF Handas

Aixe sur Vienne, Ranska



The organization APF Association des Paralysées de France it's a big national organization, it's composed with two institutions, in Haute-Vienne county. The two associations are located in the cities of Aixe Sur Vienne and Limoges. The organizations APF Handas are foster home for adults with disabilities. The missions of the association are to offer a place to live adapted to the handicap and to develop the autonomy of the residents or, at least, to prevent any form of regression by the realization of diversified daily activities. The proposed activities are diverse and adapted to the residents' abilities. It can be manual activities (painting, sculpture ...), cultural activities (exhibition, cinema, concert ...), occupational therapy activities. Volunteer tasks will be: - help and support the residents. - create and organize activities (art, education…). - organize animation and leisure. - team meeting with the staff.

Majoitus, ateriat ja kuljetukset

The volunteers will live in shared appartement with others volunteers from differents nationalities. The volunteers will receive pocket money of 6€ per day of volunteering. The receiving organisation will provide lunch during working time and give extra money for food. Local transport will be done by bus, a monthly card will be provide. International travel will be refunded.

Koulutus hankkeen aikana

On arrival and mid term training will be provide by the French National Agency. Complementary activities will be organize, in order to create a group dynamic between volunteers, so that they feel part of a team of young volunteers.

Osallistujan profiili

This projet is only open for volunteers from UE countries. The profile of the volunteers will be young people between 18 and 30 years old. Volunteers must first and foremost be engaged and / or interested in the social sector, have motivation, be open-minded and have the desire to help vulnerable people, to involve with the beneficiary public.


Alkaa 17/02/2020 ja loppuu 16/11/2020


9 Avenue François Mitterrand, Aixe sur Vienne, Ranska

Yksilöllinen vapaaehtoistoiminta

Maat, joista osallistujia haetaan

Itävalta, Belgia, Bulgaria, Kypros, Tšekki, Saksa, Tanska, Viro, Kreikka, Espanja, Suomi, Kroatia, Unkari, Irlanti, Italia, Liettua, Latvia, Malta, Alankomaat, Puola, Portugali, Romania, Ruotsi, Slovenia, Slovakia, Yhdistynyt kuningaskunta

Toiminnan aiheet

Social challenges


Hakuajan päättymispäivän mukaan: 30/01/2020 23:59