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Európai Szolidaritási Testület

A közösség ereje

Moving Out of Circles

UILDM Unione Italiana Lotta alla Distrofia Muscolare - Sezione Laziale onlus

Sezione Laziale della UILDM ONLUS

Rome, Olaszország


Project is aiming at giving an opportunity for young people with fewer opportunities to have a safe first EVS experience of two months. This way, the volunteers will be able to participate in longer term EVS projects in the future. The project will host 4 to 6 EVS volunteers from April 1st, 2016 to May 31st, 2017 in Rome, Italy. (The final number of volunteers will be decided based on the profile and specific needs). EVS volunteers will be working together with long-term Italian Civil Service volunteers of the organisation to document "mobility" stories of people with physical disabilities living in Rome, who are also immigrants for different reasons. In the beginning of the project the volunteers will be exploring the concept of "mobility" from different angles. The stories will be documented in various formats based on interest and competences of volunteers.

Résztvevői profil

Considering the nature of this work, we are NOT accepting applications from individual volunteers at this stage. We are looking for partner organisation who: * are accredited and experiences in sending EVS volunteers with fewer opportunities; * have a target group matching the profile of the project who will be interviewed over Skype calls during September; * have established systems to support the learning processes of young people (sending mentors, pre-departure training procedures, follow-up plan); * who are also willing to create similar hosting projects for the next year.

A tevékenység ideje

Ettől: 01/04/2017 eddig: 31/05/2017

A tevékenység helyszíne

Rome, Olaszország

Egyéni önkéntes tevékenység

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A tevékenység témaköre

Jelentkezési határidő

Jelentkezés határideje: 05/09/2016 23:59