EqUalize 2.0

EqUalize 2.0

Society Initiative Institute

Lviv, Ukraine, Ukraine

This activity is full, you cannot apply.

Deskrizzjoni tal-attività

The project is dedicated to raising awareness of young people on the topics of human rights, diversity and tolerance through using media as a tool to work with above mentioned topics. Volunteers will be involved in the next activities: No Hate Speech Initiative in 2 schools of Lviv for 12-16 years old students; Media club - series of meetings for media education, where young people also learn photography, videomaking and videoediting and basics of design to create media pieces on the topics of social importance Raising awareness campaigns (both online and offline) on the Human Rights issues dedicated to United Nations International Days; English-speaking club on Human Rights for young people 16+ years old; Volunteers own initiative - work on implementation personal of projects. As an example of the activities there is the video of the project realized in the last EVS project https://www.facebook.com/SIIUkraine/videos/192574411678384/

Akkomodazzjoni, ikel u arranġamenti tat-trasport

Lviv is situated in West Ukraine, close to the border with Poland. It is a city with rich history, titled the cultural capital of Ukraine. Lviv conducts more than 100 festivals annually, has 60 museums, 100 churches and 2500 historical and architectural monuments. Volunteers will stay in a 2 or 3-room apartment with a bathroom and a kitchen. The apartment will be equipped with all necessary equipment, including access to the internet. Each month volunteers will get food allowance and pocket money. Volunteers will cook for themselves in the kitchen of the apartment.

Taħriġ matul l-attività

Volunteers will attend Ukrainian language course, will take part in On-arrival and Mid-term EVS trainings. Stuff of the hosting organisation will provide media trainings (photography, videomaking, videoediting, work with sound, basics of design, etc), trainings on human rights and project management.

Profil tal-parteċipant

We need motivated and open-minded candidates who are willing to learn, but can give as well and can share ideas! If you are interested in human rights and media, and would like to work with young people contributing to building more tolerant society in the future, it will be a great experience for you! :)

Dati tal-Attività

Total ta' ġimgħat: 52 . Perjodu: 01/10/2019 sa 31/12/2020

Post tal-Attività

Lviv, Ukraine Ukraine

Qed infittxu parteċipanti minn


Temi tal-attività

Sfidi soċjali

Ċittadinanza u parteċipazzjoni demokratika

Edukazzjoni u taħriġ

Kreattività u kultura

Data ta’ skadenza għall-applikazzjonijiet

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