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Europeiska solidaritetskåren

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Access for all - Tailwind for Solidarity & Inclusion A2 Environment

CUBIC - Cultur & Bildung im Context


Cawsand, Förenade kungariket


A genuine possibility to put into practice ideas for sustainability and environment protection. Together with other volunteers and actors from local environmental organisations you will get active in beach clean ups, tree planting, path conservation, gardening and healthy cooking. You will have opportunities to get in contact with the local population also in regular activites as for example the Tuesday's "coffee morning". Helping the last traditional fisherman in the village and get acquainted with the traditional fishing routines is another exiting part of the project. The project is based on a hands-on and learning by doing approach. You will get technical support and theoretical inputs by the experts involved. Team work, cooperation and comittment for a common goal are the underlying principles.

Logi, mat och transporter

Accomodation: you will live together as a group in the "Manse", a house in the centre of the small village Cawsand, close to the bay and to the workshop of the traditional fisherman. You will auto-organise yourselves, prepare breakfast, cook together, do the dishes. As the house is in the centre of the village, most of the sites where activities take place.

Utbildning under verksamheten

You will start the project with an On Arrival Training that will give you a first orientation and will help you to get quickly aquainted with a new place and new people. The project is designed as a unique learning opportunity, it is based on a hands-on and learning by doing approach. You will get technical support and theoretical inputs by the experts involved.

Deltagarens profil

Open to all. No special skills needed. Required: interest in environmental protection and commitment to the project idea.


Från 28/04/2019 till 29/05/2019


Cawsand, Förenade kungariket

Individuellt volontärarbete

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Aktivitetens ämnen

Environment and natural protection

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