Torino, Italy

Rok za prijavo je potekel.

Opis dejavnosti

Stranaidea offers services to different kind of users in need and is looking for 1 young European participant to volunteer in the following areas: - DISABILITY: with children, teen-agers and adult disable people in daily centers doing artistic, sport, musical, theatrical workshops, handmaking production, outdoor activities in the local territory; - MINORS: with children from 1-3 in a nursery and with teenagers and children with social disadvantage and mental issues. - HOMELESS and ADULT IN DIFFICULTY: daily activities with a small group of homeless people like gardening, cooking, painting, carpentry in one of our dormitories - REFUGEES: offer services to support their basic needs and social inclusion. - SOCIAL and COMMUNITY THEATRE: with disable people inside and outside Stranaidea and with local community groups; -Environmental information desk on separate waste collection

Nastanitev, prehrana in prevoz

The project offers: - travel to arrive to Turin and return at the end of the project. - food costs - public transport: monthly card to move in Turin - monthly allowance, health insurance and Italian language online course set by the ESC Programme. The volunteer will live in a flat in Torino with other ESC volunteers in a flat with doublerooms, a kitchen, a living room and bathrooms

Usposabljanje med dejavnostjo

The volunteer will learn by doing in all the centers we propose, getting from tutors and workers a practical knowledge about the users, their characteristics, abilities and needs; will observe our educational work and methods. He/she will be part of a group of volunteers with whom will meet once per week. The mentor will propose a training to be able to share their own experiences and carry out activities about different topics such as communication, conflict management, intercultural dialogue and problem solving. For more information applicants can write to

Profil udeleženca

The candidate has to be motivated to make an experience in the social field. The kind of activities each volunteer can do will not be decided during the selection process, but after the arrival of volunteers and after visits to the places to try to create a personal project for each volunteer also expressing their preferences among the proposed areas. Be motivated to establish a positive human relationship with our users, open minded and flexible to changes. Be active, curious, willing to bring his/her own European culture to the users.

Datumi dejavnosti

Skupno število tednov: 26 (v obdobju od 04/09/2023 do 04/03/2024)

Kraj dejavnosti

Via Paolo Veronese, 202, 10148 Torino Italy

 Individualne prostovoljske aktivnosti

Iščemo udeležence iz

Irska, Malta, Romunija, Poljska, Grčija, Hrvaška, Litva, Latvija, Avstrija, Estonija, Belgija, Bolgarija, Ciper, Češka, Danska, Finska, Madžarska, Islandija, Lihtenštajn, Luksemburg, Moldova (Republic of), Nizozemska, Norveška, Portugalska, Švedska, Slovenija, Slovaška, Ukrajina

Teme dejavnosti

Sprejem in vključevanje beguncev in migrantov

Zdravje in dobro počutje

Izobraževanje in usposabljanje

Rok za prijavo

Rok za prijavo: 10/05/2023