Non-formal education activities for refugee integration in Greece

Non-formal education activities for refugee integration in Greece


Polikastro, Kilkis, Greece

Opis aktivnosti

Our Organization - named 'Open Cultural Center' - is located in Polikastro, Greece, and is active within the refugee field, working towards the integration of refugees and asylum-seekers by providing a plethora of non-formal educational activities and services to our beneficiaries. We are now looking for Greek and other E.U. volunteers for our 2-month project, who can participate in our activities i.e. 1) Language teaching to adults and/or, 2) Non-formal Education for children, 3) Recreational activities for adults and/or minors, 4) Women Space, 5) Communications, 6) Sports team, 7) Kindergarten as well as 8) Monitoring and Evaluation activities.

Smještaj, hrana i prijevoz

This ESC project provides the participants with the following benefits: i) FREE accommodation, ii)health insurance (Hener), iii) a monthly allowance of around 270 euros (120 euros for food and 5 euros pocket money per day), iv) travel expenses up to the limits established in the Erasmus+ guide "distance calculator", along with v) free language courses.

Osposobljavanje tijekom aktivnosti

Participants in the specific project enjoy the opportunity to enrich their knowledge around contemporary social and economic challenges, through their cooperation with disadvantaged social groups, while at the same time advancing their professional skills and overall competencies through the services that they need to plan, provide and oversee to the beneficiaries community. Furthermore, socializing at a multicultural level promotes the E.U. idelas of solidarity and tolerance and adds overall fun to the experience.

Profil sudionika

- Good level of English and/or Greek. - Young volunteer (18-30 years old) - Being easy-going and loving intercultural environments. - Being motivated, sociable, proactive, open-minded, tolerant, creative, and self-reliant. - Someone who has no problems with sharing an apartment/bedroom with other volunteers

Datumi aktivnosti

Ukupan broj tjedana: 9 (u razdoblju od 01/06/2024 do 31/08/2024)

Lokacija aktivnosti

MEGALOU ALEXANDROU 149, 61200 Polikastro, Kilkis Greece

 Individualno volontiranje

Zemlje iz kojih tražimo sudionike

Grčka, Španjolska, Njemačka, Francuska, Bugarska, Rumunjska, Mađarska, Hrvatska, Slovenija, Austrija, Češka, Poljska, Nizozemska, Portugal, Belgija, Litva, Latvija, Slovačka, Danska, Cipar, Švedska

Teme aktivnosti

Prihvat i integracija izbjeglica i migranata

Obrazovanje i osposobljavanje

Suzbijanje diskriminacije (uključujući rodnu diskriminaciju)

Rok za prijavu

Prijava nije vremenski ograničena