Organization for youth education & international encounters

Organization for youth education & international encounters

Arbeitsgemeinschaft freier Jugendverbände e.V.

Hamburg, Germany

Rok za prijavo je potekel.

Opis dejavnosti

The Arbeitsgemeinschaft freier Jugendverbände in Hamburg (AGfJ) is an umbrella organization of 10 self-organized youth associations with different activities run by youths from the age of 14-27 years. This ESC project is organized in cooperation with one of the member organizations: Internationaler Jugendverein Europa - Lateinamerika (IJEL). The AGfJ provides educational opportunities, such as qualifying courses for group leaders, workshops, and the organization of a yearly political educational event (respect*) on anti-racist and anti-discriminatory topics. The IJEL organizes international youth encounters with partner organizations in Latin America. The volunteer will take part in the organization of educational events, festivals and youth encounters, and run daily tasks in the office, such as social media content and administration. All activities are carried out with a co-operative spirit, democratic values and contribute to the lived practical solidarity and youth participation.

Nastanitev, prehrana in prevoz

The volunteer will live in a shared apartment in Hamburg and will receive a bicycle, as well as a ticket for public transportation, if applicable. He/she/they will receive meals during educational events and will provide their own food in everyday life, a food allowance is available for this purpose.

Usposabljanje med dejavnostjo

One month after arrival, the volunteer will take part in an on-arrival training with other ESC volunteers living in different parts of Germany. After 6 months, the volunteer will participate in a mid-term training. Moreover, the young person will have the opportunity to get involved in the workshops, festivals, trainings and events organised by the AGfJ and IJEL. New tasks will be introduced and explained by the contact persons from AGfJ and IJEL.

Profil udeleženca

We are looking for someone who has experience working with youth groups and in self-organized, non-commercial contexts. Who likes independent work and brings self-initiative and reliance. Who also has interest working on transcultural issues, political topics and social justice and can fit to our organizations characterized by anti-discriminatory attitude an open-mindedness. Creativity and interest in content creation/social media is appreciated. Also if you speak Spanish and English or Spanish and German. BIPoCs and LGBTQ* are explicitly welcome to apply for our hosting-program.

Datumi dejavnosti

Skupno število tednov: 44 (v obdobju od 01/03/2022 do 31/01/2023)

Kraj dejavnosti

Alfred-Wegener-Weg 3, 20459 Hamburg Germany

Iščemo udeležence iz

Albanija, Armenija, Avstrija, Azerbajdžan, Bosna in Hercegovina, Belgija, Bolgarija, Belorusija, Ciper, Češka, Nemčija, Danska, Alžirija, Estonija, Egipt, Grčija, Španija, Finska, Francija, Gruzija, Hrvaška, Madžarska, Irska, Izrael, Islandija, Italija, Jordanija, Libanon, Lihtenštajn, Litva, Luksemburg, Latvija, Libija, Maroko, Moldova (Republic of), Črna gora, Severna Makedonija, Malta, Nizozemska, Norveška, Poljska, Palestina, Portugalska, Romunija, Srbija, Russian Federation, Švedska, Slovenija, Slovaška, Syrian Arab Republic, Tunizija, Turčija, Ukrajina, Združeno kraljestvo, Kosovo * UN resolution, British Antarctic Territory, Angvila, Aruba, Saint-Barthélemy, Bermudi, Bonaire Sint Eustatius and Saba, Canary Islands, Curaçao, Falklandski otoki, Francoska Gvajana, Grenlandija, Guadeloupe, Britansko ozemlje v Indijskem oceanu, Kajmanski otoki, Saint Martin (french part), Martinik, Montserrat, Nova Kaledonija, Francoska Polinezija, St Pierre and Miquelon, Pitcairn, Reunion, Saint Helena, Otoki Turks in Caicos, French Southern and Antarctic Territories, Virgin Islands (British), Wallis in Futuna

Teme dejavnosti

Družbeni izzivi

Državljanska in demokratična udeležba

Izobraževanje in usposabljanje

Rok za prijavo

Rok za prijavo: 24/02/2022