Volunteer in Estonia - Rakvere Open Youth Centre

Volunteer in Estonia - Rakvere Open Youth Centre

Rakvere Open Youth Centre

Rakvere, Estonia

Rok za prijavu je prošao.

Opis aktivnosti

NGO Continuous Action (supporting organisation) is searching 1 volunteer to Rakvere Open Youth Centre (hosting organisation) in Rakvere, Lääne-Viru County, Estonia. The volunteer is working in the local youth centre and helps to coordinate, plan and carry out activities for youth. In addition, there is a possibility to work with other local institutions (kindergarten, schools).

Smještaj, hrana i prijevoz

Accommodation and local transport: Volunteer is living in a shared household if not agreed otherwise. The local transport is organised. International transport: The travel grant depends on a travelled distance and can be 275€ / 360€ or 530€ for round tickets. Visa costs and other exceptional cost are covered up to real costs based on justification (if needed and applicable). Volunteer receives pocket money 4€/per day.

Osposobljavanje tijekom aktivnosti

Volunteer is attending at on-arrival training and mid-term training organised by Estonian National Agency. In addition volunteer is supported before mobility by support organisation and will also take part in local orientation in host organisation.

Profil sudionika

Volunteer with a level of English language ability, interest and willingness to work in this field (open youth work). In addition, openness to work with refugees in Estonia. Willingness to integrate into new culture. No extra experience required, but having it is an advantage. It's a bonus if volunteer has experience with working with kids and youth, has a hobby she/he can introduce to locals (e.g. handicraft, sports, music, art).

Datumi aktivnosti

Ukupan broj tjedana: 48 (u razdoblju od 01/12/2022 do 31/10/2023)

Lokacija aktivnosti

Vabaduse 4, 44308 Rakvere Estonia

Zemlje iz kojih tražimo sudionike

Armenija, Austrija, Belgija, Bugarska, Cipar, Češka, Njemačka, Danska, Estonija, Grčka, Španjolska, Finska, Francuska, Gruzija, Hrvatska, Mađarska, Irska, Italija, Litva, Luksemburg, Latvija, Crna Gora, Sjeverna Makedonija, Malta, Nizozemska, Norveška, Poljska, Portugal, Rumunjska, Švedska, Slovenija, Slovačka, Ukrajina, Kosovo * UN resolution

Teme aktivnosti

Državljanstvo i demokratsko sudjelovanje

Obrazovanje i osposobljavanje

Kreativnost i kultura

Rok za prijavu

Rok za prijavu: 04/12/2022