Volunteer project in a nursing home for elderly people

Volunteer project in a nursing home for elderly people

Les Bleuets du Pilat

Pélussin, France

Beskrivning av verksamheten

The volunteer will have various missions : - Go along with residents on outings (errands, hairdresser, stroll, cinema) - Help residents in their daily life (moving around, eating, getting up) - Take part in activities (music, creative workshops, games, gymnastics) - Offer time for discussion, newspaper reading - Maintenance of outdoor spaces (snow removal, leaf gathering) The mission will take place on a 35-hour-a-week basis (or less). The volunteer will receive 2 days of rest per week (minimum) and 2 days of holidays per month.

Logi, mat och transporter

The volunteer will be accommodated in a room equipped with sanitary facilities. The volunteer will be able to take his meals in the establishment and participate in the service of the meals sometimes. Pélussin is a town located in the middle of nature, 1hour from Lyon.

Utbildning under verksamheten

Volunteer will participate in 3 seminars with VISA (coordianting orgnisation) and 2 seminars with the National Agency.

Deltagarens profil

Volunteer shouldn't have any special skills. But his / her motivation and the basic level of French count.


Totalt 47 veckor mellan 02/09/2024 och 31/07/2025


Pélussin France

 Individuellt volontärarbete

Söker deltagare från

Österrike, Belgien, Bulgarien, Cypern, Tjeckien, Tyskland, Danmark, Estland, Grekland, Spanien, Finland, Kroatien, Ungern, Israel, Italien, Luxemburg, Nederländerna, Norge, Polen, Portugal, Serbien, Sverige, Slovenien, Slovakien, Frankrike, Armenien, Bosnien och Hercegovina, Litauen, Lettland, Montenegro, Moldova (Republic of), Malta, Rumänien

Aktivitetens ämnen

Hälsa och välbefinnande

Sista ansökningsdag

Ingen sista ansökningsdag