Deep into Nature

Deep into Nature

Witzenhausen, Germany

Lhůta pro zasílání přihlášek skončila.

Popis činnosti

Deep into Nature is an outdoor project where the participants learn more about survival skills, adventure education and nature in general. The aim is to help a farm in the middle of Germany and show the participants the different nature of Germany while having a team experience on canoes, hiking and visiting cultural places.

Ubytování, stravování, doprava

Accommodation will be mostly in tents. Don't forget your sleeping bags and mattresses. Toilets and showers will be available nearby, and a kitchen will be at the camp. All aspects of collective life (shopping, preparing meals, cleaning) will be managed by the volunteers themselves, on the basis of an operation that they will have decided on together. Transport costs will be covered until a certain amount which you can find in the ESC distance calculator.

Odborná příprava během činnosti

FIRST PART In the first two weeks of the project, we will help the farm with doing some constructions. In between we will have some wilderness tasks and survival classes. Other activities will be working with donkeys as well as rock climbing, visiting some ecologic farming, alternative community projects, castles and cities in the area. SECOND PART In the second part of our project, we plan to split the group for around 10 days and go for a canoeing trip. One group will paddle down the “Werra” river, while the other group goes down the “Fulda” river.

Profil účastníka

This workcamp is open to everyone who is willing to spend time in nature. If you need support in your country to register and prepare your trip, it is possible, do not hesitate to ask us by email. The only condition to participate is your motivation! If you have climbing and/or canoeing skills, tell us - we also need some experienced people who have some survival or adventure education skills.

Období činnosti

V období 15/06/2023 to 15/07/2023 celkový počet týdnů: 4

Místo činnosti

Witzenhausen Germany

 Teams volunteering

Vyhledávání účastníků z

Albánie, Arménie, Rakousko, Bosna a Hercegovina, Belgie, Bulharsko, Bělorusko, Kypr, Česká republika, Německo, Dánsko, Estonsko, Řecko, Španělsko, Finsko, Francie, Gruzie, Chorvatsko, Maďarsko, Irsko, Island, Itálie, Jordánsko, Libanon, Lichtenštejnsko, Litva, Lucembursko, Lotyšsko, Moldova (Republic of), Černá Hora, Severní Makedonie, Malta, Nizozemsko, Norsko, Polsko, Portugalsko, Rumunsko, Srbsko, Russian Federation, Švédsko, Slovinsko, Slovensko, Ukrajina, Anguilla, Aruba, Svatý Bartoloměj, Bermudy, Canary Islands, Curaçao, Falklandské ostrovy, Francouzská Guyana, Grónsko, Guadeloupe, Britské indickooceánské území, Kajmanské ostrovy, Saint Martin (french part), Martinik, Montserrat, Nová Kaledonie, Francouzská Polynésie, St Pierre and Miquelon, Pitcairn, Réunion, Saint Helena, Ostrovy Turks a Caicos, French Southern and Antarctic Territories, Virgin Islands (British), Wallis a Futuna

Témata aktivity

Životní prostředí a ochrana přírody

Kreativita a kultura

Tělesná výchova a sport

Lhůta podání přihlášky

podle lhůty přihlášek: 15/06/2023