Do Something Good! - Supporting children in care in Hungary

Do Something Good! - Supporting children in care in Hungary

Parents’ House Public Benefit Foundation / Szülők Háza Közhasznú Alapítvány

Budapest, Hungary

Rok za prijavo je potekel.

Opis dejavnosti

Parents' House is like a big extended family. We run family nurseries, provide family support services, training and a foundation dedicated to child protection. Curious about us? Volunteering is your chance to be part of our everyday life! As a long-term volunteer (11 months) you can get involved in the activities of the Parents’ House Foundation! Our foundation organises activities and fundraising events for children in care. As a volunteer, after careful preparation, you can take part in these activities (cooking, handcrafts, sports, cultural activities). During the year we usually organise one-day programmes, but during the school holidays we also organise camps lasting several days or weeks. You can also get involved in various communication activities related to the programs. For fundraising events, you can help collect, sort and pack donations, organise and run activities, make decorations or communicate about the events and your experiences. We’re excited to welcome you!

Nastanitev, prehrana in prevoz

Parents’ House Family Centre is in Budapest, in the 11th District. The accommodation is easy to reach by public transport and is close to our Centre. We provide monthly travel passes to our volunteers. The apartment has a reliable internet connection and can house two volunteers in separate rooms. Hot meals are served at the family centre on working days. On days off, meals are arranged beforehand based on individual needs.

Usposabljanje med dejavnostjo

During the opportunity, the Hungarian National Agency and the host organisation will arrange training sessions. Participants must attend the pre-departure, post-arrival, and post-activity training courses. Parents’ House provides the following training courses during the activity period: - Training for child protection volunteers; - Social Awareness Training; - Communication training; - Training on conflict-management; - Training on childcare skills; - Specific training to improve the labour market situation; - Interactive training on sustainability.

Profil udeleženca

Our team is looking for volunteers who are committed to children's rights, early childhood development, empathy and community values. We believe that every life has value, so we want volunteers to join the Parents' House family who are passionate about helping future young people grow up in an inclusive and supportive society. Please apply if - we can count on you in the long term; - you are reliable and considerate; - you are happy to carry out your duties responsibly; - you feel comfortable with children; - you are open to learning.

Datumi dejavnosti

Skupno število tednov: 48 (v obdobju od 01/11/2023 do 01/10/2024)

Kraj dejavnosti

Mélykút utca 7., 1116 Budapest Hungary

 Individualne prostovoljske aktivnosti

Iščemo udeležence iz

Albanija, Armenija, Avstrija, Azerbajdžan, Bosna in Hercegovina, Belgija, Bolgarija, Belorusija, Ciper, Češka, Nemčija, Danska, Alžirija, Estonija, Egipt, Grčija, Španija, Finska, Francija, Gruzija, Hrvaška, Madžarska, Irska, Izrael, Islandija, Italija, Jordanija, Libanon, Lihtenštajn, Litva, Luksemburg, Latvija, Libija, Maroko, Moldova (Republic of), Črna gora, Severna Makedonija, Malta, Nizozemska, Norveška, Poljska, Palestina, Portugalska, Romunija, Srbija, Russian Federation, Švedska, Slovenija, Slovaška, Syrian Arab Republic, Tunizija, Turčija, Ukrajina, Kosovo * UN resolution, British Antarctic Territory, Angvila, Aruba, Saint-Barthélemy, Bermudi, Bonaire Sint Eustatius and Saba, Canary Islands, Curaçao, Falklandski otoki, Francoska Gvajana, Grenlandija, Guadeloupe, Britansko ozemlje v Indijskem oceanu, Kajmanski otoki, Saint Martin (french part), Martinik, Montserrat, Nova Kaledonija, Francoska Polinezija, St Pierre and Miquelon, Pitcairn, Reunion, Saint Helena, Sint Maarten (dutch part), Otoki Turks in Caicos, French Southern and Antarctic Territories, Virgin Islands (British), Wallis in Futuna

Teme dejavnosti

Družbeni izzivi

Državljanska in demokratična udeležba

Boj proti diskriminaciji (vključno z diskriminacijo na podlagi spola)

Rok za prijavo

Rok za prijavo: 20/12/2023