Make the Change Happen - only for volunteers from Estonia

Make the Change Happen - only for volunteers from Estonia

SOPRO - Solidariedade e Promoção ONGD

Barcelos, Portugal

This activity is closed, you cannot apply.

Opis aktivnosti

SOPRO is a Hosting and Coordinating organization, is currently looking for one volunteer from Estonia for an 12 months EVS project starting in October 2019. The volunteer will work in a Day Center with and his activities will be in support of the elderly. The place is frequented by 20 elderly people and long-term unemployed, in a situation of social isolation.

Smještaj, hrana i prijevoz

The volunteer will live in apartment in a double room, with shared cooking, washing, laundry and social facilities. - VOLUNTEER ALLOWANCE: 80€ per month. - POCKET MONEY: 5€ to multiply by the number of days in the month.

Osposobljavanje tijekom aktivnosti

12 months

Profil sudionika

The volunteer will support of the elderly organizing activities. Organization of intercultural activities, workshops, exhibitions, lectures, creative spaces, painting, language club; Work on the importance of interacting on an equal basis, on valuing differences and stimulating intercultural dialogue; Support the daily tasks; Organize activities for promote Erasmus+.

Datumi aktivnosti

Ukupan broj tjedana: 52 (u razdoblju od 09/10/2018 do 08/10/2019)

Lokacija aktivnosti

Travessa de Santo António 236, Barcelinhos, 4755-054 Barcelos Portugal

Zemlje iz kojih tražimo sudionike


Teme aktivnosti

Socijalni izazovi

Rok za prijavu

Prijava nije vremenski ograničena