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Accredited organisation

Területfejlesztők a Vidékért Egyesület

Területfejlesztők a Vidékért Egyesület

Szent István tér 17. , 7624, Pécs, Maďarsko


Popis organizace:

Our association was established in 2000 with the purpose of supporting rural communities to become part of the European community through different activities and EU funded projects.

Our aim is to contribute to the European idea of solidarity, equality and inclusion by supporting the integration process of the European Union. We are aiming to give the chance to rural communities to realise their European identity.

Target groups:
- Organistions and institutions that do not have the capacity or the experience to be involved in EU funded projects.
- Young people from rural areas who does not have the possibility to be involved in international programmes on their own.
- Local governments and minority governments.

Main activities:
- advocacy and advisory activities
- regional planning (Agenda 2000, local development plans, local rural development office)
- regional programmes for disadvantaged groups (rural tourism course for unemployed, employment programmes for unemployed youth)
- employment mapping (in cooperation with the labour office of the county).

In 2008 we started to work with EVS volunteers, first we have hosted them, but then realised that we have more motivation to support other organisations by coordinating volunteers. Since then we have worked with at least 250 young people both on short- and long-term, with disabilities and fewer opportunities as well.

At the moment we are coordinating 7 ESC volunteers in kindergartens and schools in the city of Pécs.

  • Tato organizace získala značku kvality Evropského sboru solidarity. Značka kvality potvrzuje, že organizace je schopna realizovat projekty v souladu se zásadami a cíli Evropského sboru solidarity.

Oblast působnosti Dobrovolnická činnost

Úloha Platnost
Poskytovatel podpory 31/12/2027

Vedoucí organizace

PIC: 948940331 OID: E10061729

Zaměření organizace

Community development

European identity and values

Key competences development