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Accredited organisation

Zavod za globalno ucenje in razvoj projektov

Zavod za globalno ucenje in razvoj projektov

Nova pot 72, 1351, Brezovica pri Ljubljani, Slovinsko, - +38641339978

Opis organizácie

The Institute for Global Learning and Projects Development (Zavod Global) is a non-governmental organization established in 2010. Zavod Global achieves its goals through activities divided into two main areas - global learning and projects development.
Global learning: with our activities we want to promote the process of learning and action, which emphasizes the interdependence and individual involvement in global events. Our goal is to encourage individuals and communities to engage in addressing the common challenges facing humanity.

Zavod Global was established to carry out global learning, intercultural education, and development activities.

Project development: We offer professional support to individuals and organizations in the form of finding financial resources and in formulating ideas into concrete projects. Our institute is open to all who want project work in the non-governmental sector with the goal of enhancing general social wellbeing.
The basic purpose of the institute is to acquaint and bring people in Slovenia closer to people and societies in the Global South. It carries out global learning and sustainable development activities to this end.
An additional purpose of the institute is to promote cooperation between Slovenian and foreign (from the Global South) universities, intellectuals and to connect governmental and non-governmental organizations in the fields of social protection, economy, culture, sports, humanitarian aid and others. The institute offers appropriate support to interested organizations and individuals in establishing contacts, cooperation and preparation of joint projects and programs.
The main activity of Zavod Global is the design, implementation and evaluation of global learning and sustainable development projects with the aim of bringing people in Slovenia closer to the people and society in the Global South in general. The target groups are young people, children, teachers, journalists and the general public.
In the field of social entrepreneurship:
- Support for the social enterprise Skuhna, whose founder and initiator is Zavod Global
- Development of new branches of social entrepreneurship
- Participation in forums, round tables, consultations, seminars related to social entrepreneurship
In the field of global learning:
- Research on children's literature, school literature, public media with an insight into how non-European cultures represent
- Design and implement a variety of activities that counterbalance the problems identified in research (stereotypical, Eurocentric description of non-European peoples, leading to prejudice, bigotry and racism)
- Contribute through their activities to the formation and development of just intercultural relations.

1) Cooperation with the mentioned target group is connected by a common thread - global learning in order to increase intercultural learning
- pre-school children, primary school children, pupils, students
- teachers, educators, professors and other persons working within the educational process and system
- migrants who have the strength and will to carry out activities that lead to intercultural learning
2) The target population are also the youth and teachers, who are full of innovative ideas that Zavod Global can help them implement as projects
- Development, establishment of the Skuhna social business project
- Design and implementation of annual intercultural programs in order to address stereotypes (Talks, round tables, where
migrants have the main say, film evenings, cultural workshops of dance, music, cooking, concerts, performances ...)
- Implementation of training for migrants with the aim of increasing employability (Ministry of Culture 2009 related to short stories,
2012 related to puppets, 2019 related to dance, handicrafts and cuisine)
- Expert research followed by round tables on Eurocentrism in school literature

Currently, Zavod Global employs one person - the director of the institute. He focuses his work on leadership, coordination and
directing current projects of the institute and mentoring young initiators of new projects. In activities to date and
projects, several persons performed project work through contractual work and in the case of larger projects in the form of regular
employment. A large number of migrants living in Slovenia and people born here acted as volunteers

REASONS FOR APPLYING: to realize solidarity projects that arise in connection with the search for solutions to specific
the societal challenges we identify and the achievement of the above-mentioned overarching goals.

Témy v oblasti začlenenia

Táto organizácia má záujem zapojiť do rôznych typov projektov dobrovoľníkov z nasledujúcich kategórií, ktorých situácia sťažuje ich účasť na činnostiach:

  • Ekonomické prekážky
  • Sociálne prekážky
  • Táto organizácia je držiteľom značky kvality Európskeho zboru solidarity. Značka kvality potvrdzuje, že daná organizácia dokáže realizovať projekty v súlade so zásadami a cieľmi Európskeho zboru solidarity.

Rozsah Dobrovoľníctvo

Úloha Dátum skončenia platnosti
Hosting 31/12/2027
Podpora 31/12/2027

Zodpovedná organizácia

PIC: 942586637 OID: E10050825

Témy organizácie

Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning

Príprava na podnikanie – vzdelávanie v oblasti podnikania

Combat violence and tackle racism, discrimination and intolerance in sport