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Accredited organisation

Asociatia Pentru Inovatie In Educatia Adultilor


Str. Toamnei, Nr. 14, 520073, Sfantu Gheorghe, Rumeenia - +40733672329

Organisatsiooni kirjeldus:

Asociatia Clubul Tinerilor din Sfantu Gheorghe (Youth Club of Saint George) is an organisation founded and legally registered in 2008. Our association is a non-governmental organisation. We are based in Sfantu Gheorghe, Covasna county, where Romanians, Hungarians and Roma people live together, it is a unique intercultural city and our organization promotes this value, organizing projects where youngsters from these 3 ethnic groups can interact and work together. Our main aims are to inform and train youngsters, to promote voluntarism and to realize local and international youth projects through cultural, educational, sport, enverimontal and entrepreneurial projects. We are organising local youth projects and participating in international youth projects mostly under Erasmus+ programme. In our organization we have members who are trainers, social workers, economists and teachers, people with a lot of experiences and highly motivated. We also have approximately 25 volunteers in our association, who are joining our programs.

Kaasamise teemad

This organisation is willing to involve volunteers who face situations which make their participation in activities more difficult, from the following categories for different types of project:

  • Cultural differences
  • Economic obstacles
  • Social obstacles
  • See organisatsioon omab Euroopa solidaarsuskorpuse kvaliteedimärgist. Kvaliteedimärgis kinnitab, et organisatsioon juhib projekte kooskõlas Euroopa solidaarsuskorpuse põhimõtete ja eesmärkidega.

Tegevuse suund Vabatahtlik tegevus

Veereta Kehtivusaja lõpp
Hosting 31/12/2027
Toetav 31/12/2027
PIC: 947164649 OID: E10156458

Organisatsiooni valdkond


