Popis organizace:
Euroform RFS, is a non-profit association founded in 1996 in Cosenza. It is registered in the Register of bodies and associations that carry out activities in favor of immigrants and offers services of Language Training - Italian Courses, Values and civic education - Training on values and civic education, Initial reception services – Orientation and Mediation linguistic-cultural services. Euroform RFS is a Training Agency officially accredited by the Government of the Calabria Region and the
Piedmont Region. It operates in the field of training and guidance, paying particular attention to Adult Education and transnational mobility, within which it realizes placement programs (traineeships) for students and apprentices. Its activities are addressed to students, post-graduates, unemployed youngsters, public and private bodies, SMEs, associations, and territorial communities. The staff is composed of experts in European projects planning, vocational training and guidance professionals, HRM experts, job consultants, business and organizing consultants. For more than a decade, Euroform has been organizing training courses for the issue of recognized regional qualifications, also to combat early school leaving in various areas including tourism, new information technologies and environment. Many of these courses are usually completed with a transnational mobility. In 2003, Euroform founded, in partnership with the Province of Cosenza, the SMI - International Mobility Desk with the mission to facilitate and encourage the international mobility of young people, professionals and entrepreneurs, through promotion and information activities on European mobility programs, organizing workshops and seminars, etc. Since 2005, the association is accredited by the National Agency for Youth, as a hosting and sending organization within the "Youth in Action" program, implementing various actions (Ac. 1 Exchanges among young people, Ac. 2 European Voluntary Service, Ac. 3 Youth in the world. Measure 3.1 Cooperation with countries bordering on theEuropean Union). The continuous realization, since 1997, of transnational mobility projects and numerous other international projects within various European and ministerial programs (Youthstart,
Now, Integra, Equal, etc.), has allowed Euroform RFS to build a highly specialized team in the planning, implementation and reporting of activities of this nature. Since 2014, Euroform is Eurodesk Local Agency. Through this tool, it offers young people, NGOs (professionals and /or volunteers), Local Authorities, Upper Secondary Schools, Universities, Professional Training Organizations, a constant and attentive Information and Guidance Service on the programs of the European Union and the Council of Europe in the fields of Education, Training and Youth. In doing so, it contributes to the promotion and orientation of programs in favor of young people promoted by the EU and the Council of Europe.Following registration in the Register of Intermediation at the Ministry of Labor (Article 6 of Legislative Decree 276/2003), at 2014 Euroform is accredited by the Calabria Region as a body authorized to provide labor services related to the Youth Guarantee. Thanks to that in about a year it has completed several dozen internships, orientation interviews and work support. In the general context of its activity, only in the last 10 years EuroformRFS has given the opportunity to over 1400 young Europeans to have a work experience or training in Italy. Among the young people who chose Cosenza the Poles (240), the Lithuanians (200) and the Greeks (228) stand out. With regard to the mobility of young people from Cosenza, EuroformRFS has undertook 62 International Mobility projects funded by the EU that have brought 1,918 young people and professionals (about 250 people a year in the period 2006-2013) from Cosenza to experience training and work abroad. Since 2015, EuroformRFS is one of the 15 organizations in Italy that have obtained the Mobility VET Charter, an instrument that encourages organizations with proven experience in mobility for education and vocational training in activities with high quality standards. In general, almost 5,000 young people have participated in mobility projects by participating in Euroform RFS projects. Significant numbers if placed in relation to the regional averages and which pose the protection, orientation and support of these young people as a necessity in the national and more specifically local scene. These elements have created a growing focus on the themes of cultural exchange at the continental level. Many young people return back to home enriched by the experience abroad as well as many young foreigners who spend periods of study or work in other country are affected by European culture and on return promote it in their countries of origin.
Zaměření v rámci začleňování
Tato organizace je ochotná přijmout pro různé typy projektů dobrovolníky, kteří se nacházejí v situaci, která jim účast na dobrovolnických aktivitách komplikuje, a to z následujících kategorií:
- Překážky zeměpisného charakteru
- Překážky sociálního charakteru
- Uprchlíci

- Tato organizace získala značku kvality Evropského sboru solidarity. Značka kvality potvrzuje, že organizace je schopna realizovat projekty v souladu se zásadami a cíli Evropského sboru solidarity.
Oblast působnosti Dobrovolnictví
Úloha | Platnost |
Hosting | 31/12/2027 |
Poskytovatel podpory | 31/12/2027 |
Zaměření organizace
Vzdělávání a odborná příprava
Employability and entrepreneurship