Opis organizácie
INEX Slovakia is a non-profit organization offering remarkable experiences, personal development and meaningful spending of leisure time for young people, through international voluntary activities and non-formal education.
Our vision is to have active people with healthy self-confidence, tolerance, critical thinking, general overview and willingness to help those in need.
In Slovakia, we are the only organization of its kind, established in 1993. Our activities are for young people, leaders, youth workers, volunteers and also the general public. The main target group is young people from 15 up to 30. The activities are focused on the youth mobility and non-formal education. Main aim of volunteering activities is to provide help to the local community or to any project necessary (social, environmental, renovation, cultural etc.). Young volunteers can spend their time valuably, can meet other people coming from different cultures, learn from each other, gain new competences and enjoy their lives differently.
Main activities of the organisation are:
1. Volunteering activities
- one day volunteering activities in Slovakia
- weekend volunteering activities in Slovakia
- international volunteering activities (workcamps), in Slovakia, abroad or online
- European Solidarity Corps (as supporting, leading and hosting organisation)
- long-term and mid-term volunteering projects
2. Educational activities
- one-day educational activities
- accredited trainings for leaders of workcamps
- international trainings
- youth exchanges
3. Promotional activities
- online promotion of volunteering and non-formal education
- offline promotion of volunteering and non-formal education
4. Development of international volunteering in Slovakia or abroad.
Thanks to membership in the international networks Alliance of European Voluntary Service Organisations and Service Civil International, we offer volunteers more than 1400 projects in 80 countries around the world. The Youth Council of Slovakia is our umbrella organization in Slovakia. INEX Slovakia office is based in Bratislava but offers its activities on national level, around whole Slovakia.

- Táto organizácia je držiteľom značky kvality Európskeho zboru solidarity. Značka kvality potvrdzuje, že daná organizácia dokáže realizovať projekty v súlade so zásadami a cieľmi Európskeho zboru solidarity.
Rozsah Dobrovoľníctvo
Úloha | Dátum skončenia platnosti |
Hosting | 31/12/2027 |
Podpora | 31/12/2027 |
Zodpovedná organizácia
Témy organizácie
Community development
Key competences development
Bridging intercultural, intergenerational and social divide