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Accredited organisation

KAS Youth Hub

KAS Youth Hub

144 Brierley, CR0 9DS, Croydon, ir-Renju Unit - +447432104103

Deskrizzjoni tal-Organizzazzjoni

KAS Youth Hub is a Children’s Charity that supports children and young adults of all ages, this includes hosting workshops, young adult leadership training and Sponsoring of local youth programs as well as vulnerable children. “We aim to attain the continuity to empower young people in our community to develop themselves. The purpose is to leave an imprint of a lasting impression to transform young life's. KAS empowering the youth to become ‘honorary leaders’, with loyalty and integrity to then serve others; by nurturing their confidence and self esteem.

Our objective is to:
1. Create opportunity, support activities, for young people in the community.
2. Provide equal opportunity, boost their confidence and self esteem.
3. Offer an open platform to raise money for youth programme.
4. Provide a place for talented youth to showcase their creations.
5. Create opportunity for youth to socialize in an friendly environment.
6. Open vast opportunities for young people.
7. Increase the awareness of Companies involvement with young people.

Our Current Programmes and Workshops
1. Fashion & Beauty Workshop: - This workshop is for age 14 to 21. The objective is to improve the youth self esteem, self confidence and self development.
2. Youth Leadership Programme: - Youth Club, age 14 to 25 within the Community of Croydon.
3. Supporting other Youth Clubs and Councils: - We are working with the Youth Zone (Sutton Council); The Phoenix Centre is for young people aged 13-19.
4. International Networking and Workshop: - Expose the youth to diverse multi-cultures and networking with other Youth organisation (Kiwanis International).
5. Participate in the Eliminating Project: - The Eliminate project will support Immunization of women of reproductive age, Sustainability through education, Kiwanian’s education and organizational enhancement.
6. Encourage Retailers to support the youth: - The Retailers and the local youths in Croydon coming together, to support a charitable cause.

  • Din l-organizzazzjoni hija akkreditata biex tmexxi proġetti taħt il-Volontarjat Erasmus+ u l-Korp Ewropew ta’ Solidarjetà.
  • Din l-organizzazzjoni għandha Tikketta tal-Kwalità tal-Korp Ewropew ta’ Solidarjetà. It-Tikketta tal-Kwalità tiċċertifika li l-organizzazzjoni tista’ twettaq proġetti f’konformità mal-prinċipji u l-objettivi tal-Korp Ewropew ta’ Solidarjetà.
PIC: 942565491 OID: E10049408