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Accredited organisation

Akzija spokuty sarady myru

Akzija spokuty sarady myru

Simirenko 25 A , 03134, Kyiv, Ukrajina - +380683599013

Popis organizace:

NGO Akzija spokuty sarady myru is a Ukrainian non-governmental volunteer organization founded in 2011, but since 2004 is active in the international education field for youth. The main point of its work are voluntary services for young people from different countries and doing projects linked to the local community in Ukraine. The ideas of European Solidarity Corps correspond with the leading aims of the work of “Akzija spokuty sarady myru”: embrace the values of solidarity, respect for human dignity and human rights, promotion of a fair and equal society in which pluralism, dismantling of discriminations and exclusions, promotion of individual and social solidarity, involving young people into social, political and cultural discourse and to build a community of shared responsibilities and mutual support.
Sustainable peace is made impossible by anti-Semitism, all kinds of human rights violations and without solidarity, tolerance, mutual understanding, and respect of human dignity. That is why the main aim of the organization is to empower youth through the promotion of human dignity and human rights and to stimulate young people´s reflection on civil society issues and responding to societal challenges.
In the present, this leads to our main goals: educational projects, directed against racism, anti-Semitism, and exclusion, for peace, tolerance, human rights, and diversity in our society, for solidarity and support, and at the same time to enhance cooperation and solidarity between people, while respecting their cultures and traditions.
An important part of our work is the promotion of active citizenship among Ukrainian youth through their involvement in our educational programs.
The target groups of our organization are different and include non-governmental organizations, governmental authorities, local community, interested citizens, educational organizations, partner organizations, students, young people, elderly people, and children. Through different models of our regular projects and non-formal educational programs (short or long days programs, work-shops, walk-learning tours, the club of discussions, and learning from biography), we bring people together and organize space to increase trust, solidarity relations, and mutual respect between participants and as long consequence in society. We try to stay in regular contact with many of our target groups, bring them to the dialogue, and are thankful for long time cooperation.
Since the start of our activities in 2004 many young volunteers have been involved in our work towards solidarity, mutual understanding, and intercultural dialogue. The focus we put on the direct communication between volunteers and people from the local community, especially between different generations. Throughout this interactive communication, volunteers express their solidarity and learn to put their ideas into practice, to find solutions for unexpected situations, and to take responsibility for their actions. During such direct dialogue, they learn from local people about their perception of the situation around, new culture, and way to deal with difficulties and finding of new ideas. It expands the critical thinking and horizon of young volunteers and opens their minds for a new understanding of relations in society and the value of solidarity.
The coordinating and support of volunteers have a high priority for us, to help them by learning new skills and capacities and making a significant contribution to the local community development.
We regularly organize seminars and exchange programs, directed to self-development, the reflection of the learning process during the volunteer service, and discussing different topics for a better understanding of local communities and features of Ukrainian culture. During our seminars, foreign volunteers and local youth can exchange and enhance their personal, educational, social, and civic development.
During the Covid-19 Pandemic, we have to change our activities into digital format. This situation brought new challenges for everybody, but it was necessary to stay in regular contact with our volunteers and support them with the difficulties, connected to the Pandemic and their return to their home country. Especially important for volunteers was to stay in contact with local people, which were supported by volunteers during their projects. We managed this difficult situation and find out new formats and possibilities to stay in contact with all participants of our projects. We are ready to continue our projects and to involve volunteers from the EU under new and special conditions during the Covid-19 Pandemic time in our project to enable them to show their solidarity, to bring their ideas, to be ready to react to unexpected situations, and to deal with new challenges.

Zaměření v rámci začleňování

Tato organizace je ochotná přijmout pro různé typy projektů dobrovolníky, kteří se nacházejí v situaci, která jim účast na dobrovolnických aktivitách komplikuje, a to z následujících kategorií:

  • Překážky vzdělávacího charakteru
  • Překážky sociálního charakteru
  • Uprchlíci
  • Tato organizace získala značku kvality Evropského sboru solidarity. Značka kvality potvrzuje, že organizace je schopna realizovat projekty v souladu se zásadami a cíli Evropského sboru solidarity.

Oblast působnosti Dobrovolnická činnost

Úloha Platnost
Hosting 31/12/2027
Poskytovatel podpory 31/12/2027
PIC: 946616696 OID: E10118982

Zaměření organizace

Equality and non-discrimination

European identity and values

Skills development