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Accredited organisation

Consejo de la Juventud de Castilla y León

Consejo de la Juventud de CyL

c/ Chalets, nº 1, 34004, PALENCIA, Španělsko - +34627913941

Popis organizace:

The Youth Council of Castilla y León is a public entity of private law endowed with its own legal personality. Our primary purpose is to promote initiatives that ensure the active participation of young people from Castilla y Leon in the decisions and measures that concern them, as well as the representation of organized forms of youth participation and the defense of the fundamental rights of the youth.
Some of our objectives are:
Promote the effective integration of young people in the society of Castilla y León.
Encourage Youth Associations, stimulating the creation of associations and providing them with the necessary support and assistance.
Promote the relationship between the different youth associations to facilitate cooperation between them.
Encourage the participation of non-associated Castilian and Leonese youth.
Contribute to the development of educational leisure and youth activity.
Our main activities are linked to youth, therefore our recipients are young people from 14 to 30 years old. Currently we manage the youth guarantee information network in our community, we also coordinate the Youth Volunteering program in Castilla y León, in which more than 5000 young people from our community have participated. We jointly carry out non-formal and informal education activities with our member entities.

  • Tato organizace získala značku kvality Evropského sboru solidarity. Značka kvality potvrzuje, že organizace je schopna realizovat projekty v souladu se zásadami a cíli Evropského sboru solidarity.

Oblast působnosti Dobrovolnická činnost

Úloha Platnost
Poskytovatel podpory 31/12/2027
PIC: 946563055 OID: E10115360

Zaměření organizace


Quality and innovation of youth work

Promoting gender equality