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Accredited organisation



MO-RUA ESCOLA DA MO , 4510 267, SAO PEDRO DA COVA GONDOMAR, Португалия - +351934600277

Описание на организацията:

The Associação Recreativa Cultural e Social de Silveirinhos, ARCSS, founded in April 29th, 1995, is headquartered in São Pedro da Cova, Gondomar, near Porto City.
ARCSS implemented valid structured projects in favor of children, young people and adults, from areas with large gaps, whether economic or social. At the moment, ARCSS has about 200 young and adult people participating in their weekly activities (sports, study, social work, leisure and entertainment) and a total of 250 associated members. In 2004, ARCSS obtained the accreditation at the IQF (Institute for the quality of training), in the following areas: organization and promotion of training activities and development/implementation of training activities. From June 2005, ARCSS began the implementation of Actions S@ber+, co-financed by the European Social Fund, under measure 2.1.Continuing Vocational Training, Action Type Further training and specialization of Qualified Assets, integrated in the axis 2 – life-long training and adaptability, the POEFDS (Operational Program of Employment, Training and Social Development).
In 2005, the ARCSS held 10 shares S@ber+, for 150 trainees assets, and the population joined in an incomparable way. Another project of the ARCSS that most boasted new activities enhancing the community was, without a doubt, the project “different sensitivities, Equal Opportunities”, which ran between June 2005 and November 2006, co-funded by the European Social Fund under measure 4.4. integrated in axis 4 of POEFDS (Operational Program of Employment, Training and Social Development). ARCSS, also, developed, two projects supported by the Youth Program: the project “Local and Regional Policies for Youth” (Project reference: 130852-5.1.2 – EN-2006-R1) – , developed through Action 5.1.2; and the project “Be Young Student”. The ARCSS is member of: RNAJ – National Register of Youth Associations by the Secretary od State for Youth CCD – Center for Culture and Sports of Inatel, FAJDP – Federation of Youth Associations of the District of Porto, FCCG – Federation of Collectivities of the Council of Gondomar, FNAJ – National Federation of Youth Associations Local, AFP – Football Association of Porto, ABP – Association of Basketball of Porto, AAP – Association of Handball of Porto and the Municipal Council of Youth of Gondomar. Beyond all the work in social, cultural and sports areas, ARCSS is known for projects developed with adults and youth in the areas of formal, non-formal and informal education. We highlight, for example, the Leonardo da Vinci Project “Women meet for tradition”, which has been developed since 2004 with European partners, in order to develop skills, boost employability and enhance the transfer of innovation in vocational training for women in the craft area. In another project, Grundtvig, “Learning by body”, the ARCSS is developing skills and creating healthy habits when it comes to holistic, multidisciplinary and cross-learning through the body. This year, ARCSS has partnered with one of the most prestigious training schools of Porto, “TECLA”, in order to invest in adult education, in all areas. Recently, ARCSS won a national application for the ESCOLHAS Programme. In 250 applications, ARCSS wasone of 15 funded organizations, and is currently developing the project “e-Youth”, for young adults (18 to 30 years old). The goal is to educate and train this target group and, after training professional in the design and communication area, set up a company to employ and generate a business.
WHAT DO WE DO: - Services for mentally disabled; - Services for the elderly and disabled;; - Services for socialization;- Training and Employment;-Healthy life through sport;; - European Projects; Projects ; community projects with young people at risk and in situations of social vulnerability; environmental, artistic, sporting, cultural and employability projects with disadvantaged young people and adults; awareness-raising projects and training in schools on relevant themes such as gender equality; domestic violence, human rights, among others.

  • Тази организация притежава знак за качество на Европейския корпус за солидарност. Знакът за качество удостоверява, че организацията е в състояние да управлява проекти в съответствие с принципите и целите на Европейския корпус за солидарност.

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Hosting 31/12/2027
Подпомагане 31/12/2027

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PIC: 937862640 OID: E10052833