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Accredited organisation



JAHU TN 8-19, 10415, TALLINN, Естония - +372 529 1717

Описание на организацията:

Involved is non-governmental organization aiming at creating possibilities for life-long learning and fostering development of individuals and different targets on local and international level, founded 10 years ago. Via broadening the horizons, developing practical skills and offering information and activities, we aim at more active participation in civil society. Involved is interested in and active at youth mobility projects and development of voluntary work, intercultural learning, integration and migration, equal and human rights.

Involved is fostering the development of young people and people working for them in the non-formal education sphere, sending them out to international mobility projects such as trainings, study visits, camps, conferences and interenational youth exchanges, but also volunteering and traineeship projects for longer period of time. On local level, we have been organising trainings on project management, foreign languages, social entrepreneurial skills, environmental activities and youth work practical skills amongst others. Involved has been both applying projects itself, but also being partner for international collaborators.

People involved with our organization have long-term experience in various sub-programmes of Erasmus+ including working with young people with fewer opportunities, not only in EU but outside as well.

More information can be found at and

Теми, свързани с приобщаването

Тази организация иска да включи доброволци, намиращи се в ситуации, които затрудняват участието им в дейности, от следните категории за различни видове проекти:

  • Икономически пречки
  • Географски трудности
  • Социални пречки
  • Тази организация притежава знак за качество на Европейския корпус за солидарност. Знакът за качество удостоверява, че организацията е в състояние да управлява проекти в съответствие с принципите и целите на Европейския корпус за солидарност.

Вид дейност Доброволчество

Функция Срок на действие
Подпомагане 31/12/2026
PIC: 947041168 OID: E10147918

Теми на организацията

Достъп за лица в неравностойно положение

Inclusion - equity

Младежи (участие, работа с младите хора, политика за младите хора)