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Accredited organisation



TREPETLIKA 12, 1407, SOFIA, Bulgaaria


Organisatsiooni kirjeldus:

Veshtina Municipal Center is devoted to: the development, preservation and promotion of spiritual values, education, science, and culture; the support and preservation of human rights and civil society; the personal development and social integration of individuals; the development and enrichment of cultural life.

One of the center's main activities is the planning and running of IN THE PALACE International Short Film Festival in partnership with Format SFF Foundation focusing especially on the educational and parallel programs of this annual event, e.g. workshops and masterclasses on directing, script writing, cinematography; screenings of innovative and thematic programs of works by independent filmmakers; film project competitions, music program, program for children, etc.

Besides this annual event, Veshtina Municipal Center runs a variety of social, cultural, educational and information activities; contributes to a range of initiatives in the fields of contemporary culture, audiovisual training, cultural cooperation, partnerships and networking between young people.

Kaasamise teemad

This organisation is willing to involve volunteers who face situations which make their participation in activities more difficult, from the following categories for different types of project:

  • Economic obstacles
  • Geographical obstacles
  • Social obstacles
  • See organisatsioon omab Euroopa solidaarsuskorpuse kvaliteedimärgist. Kvaliteedimärgis kinnitab, et organisatsioon juhib projekte kooskõlas Euroopa solidaarsuskorpuse põhimõtete ja eesmärkidega.

Tegevuse suund Vabatahtlik tegevus

Veereta Kehtivusaja lõpp
Hosting 31/12/2027
Toetav 31/12/2027
PIC: 943838907 OID: E10140524

Organisatsiooni valdkond

Kodakondsus ja demokraatlik osalus


Employability and entrepreneurship