Zespól Szkoły Podstawowej nr 2 i Przedszkola w Zagnańsku

Zespól Szkoły Podstawowej nr 2 i Przedszkola w Zagnańsku

Zespół Szkoły Podstawowej nr 2 i Przedszkola w Zagnańsku

Turystyczna 59, 26-050, Zagnańsk, Poland

https://zagnansk.edu.pl/ - +48413113275

opis organizácie

The complex of Primary School No. 2 and Kindergarten in Zagnańsk is located in the center of a commune, in Zagnańsk. The school includes a kindergarten (3 departments) and a primary school (8 departments). The team is managed by the school head with 15 years of experience with the help of the deputy headmaster. When making key decisions, the director consults with the leaders of subjects and cross-curricular teams. The management of the facility is open to new challenges and EU projects. It inspires teachers to constantly develop their skills through participation and implementation of various types of programs, projects, trainings and workshops. It encourages the acquisition of new and improvement of already acquired competences, so that the facility maintains European standards and keeps up with the changing reality. We have pre-school children aged 3-6 and students aged 7-15. School focuses in the area of management, didactic and upbringing. It offers a general education program. As part of the educational and preventive program, numerous projects are implemented, including: My life free from addictions, Archipelago of Treasures, DEBATE, Program of Early Prevention of Addictions. There is a Volunteer Club. The English Teaching program allows to develop language competences. Teachers implement formative assessment.We support students with special needs, including expats as well.

témy v oblasti začlenenia

This organisation is willing to involve volunteers who face situations which make their participation in activities more difficult, from the following categories for different types of project:

  • Economic obstacles
  • Social obstacles
  • Cultural differences

Táto organizácia je držiteľom značky kvality Európskeho zboru solidarity. Značka kvality potvrdzuje, že daná organizácia dokáže realizovať projekty v súlade so zásadami a cieľmi Európskeho zboru solidarity.

Rozsah Dobrovoľníctvo

Úloha Dátum skončenia platnosti
PIC: 935277881 OID: E10185539
Posledná aktualizácia dňa 05/05/24

Témy organizácie

Predčasné ukončenie školskej dochádzky/boj proti problémom vo vzdelávaní

Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning

Pedagogika a didaktika