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Accredited organisation

Samarcanda società cooperativa sociale Onlus


via Paraiso, 60, 36015, Schio, Itálie - +393316238584

Popis organizace:

Samarcanda is a non-profit organization, founded in 2003 and settled in Schio (VI), a town in the northeast of Italy about 30 km far from Vicenza. It is made up of 22 worker-members.

Its mission is to promote social equity, solidarity, sustainable development, citizens and youth participation. These purposes are concretized in the area through diversified educational services and activities such as reception, prevention and support services in favor of the most vulnerable, the local community and the social realities of the Alto Vicentino, favoring the street and informal meeting places as an observatory.

The beneficiaries of the cooperative are mostly homeless, women at risk of social exclusion and young people.

Furthermore, Samarcanda works with local communities with objectives, such as: combating poverty and violence, developing solidarity and tolerance among young people, promoting intercultural dialogue and peace.

Samarcanda provides 5 main services:
- Temporary residence for homeless people (Bakhita House);
- Specific projects for women at risk of social exclusion and victims of violence (Silk Project);
- Specific projects for migrants and asylum seekers (reception and integration of asylum seekers, refugees and holders of subsidiary and humanitarian protection; linguistic and cultural
mediation service);
- Youth participation activities (management information centers, Megahub: career guidance and co-working paths, social bar, socio-cultural animation);
- Administrative services and training to non-profit organizations.

  • Tato organizace získala značku kvality Evropského sboru solidarity. Značka kvality potvrzuje, že organizace je schopna realizovat projekty v souladu se zásadami a cíli Evropského sboru solidarity.

Oblast působnosti Dobrovolnická činnost

Úloha Platnost
Hosting 31/12/2027
PIC: 940177836 OID: E10135087

Zaměření organizace


Práce při přijímání a integraci uprchlíků a migrantů

Inclusion of marginalised young people