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Accredited organisation



C/ Nicanor Villalta, 18, 44002, Teruel, Španjolska - +44978610003

Opis organizacije

ATADI (Agrupación Turolense de Asociaciones de personas con Discapacidad Intelectual) is a non-profit entity and is the result of the union of different associations of families with disabled children. This organization was born in 2005 with the aim of create a servicies network to fullfit the neccesities of intelectual disabled people when they become adults.
ATADI's mission is to contribute, from it's ethical commitment, with support and opportunities to promote quality of life and inclusion to each person with an intellectual or developmental disability and their families, in a fair and caring society.
ATADI's servicies are located in the entire province of Teruel respecting the principle of territoriality, tending to the maintenance of users in their family and social environment, being located as close as possible to their place of residence, avoiding long trips or unnecessary internments. Services are provided throughout the ATADI's centers located in different towns in Teruel province: Teruel, Mora de Rubielos, Cantavieja, Orihuela del Tremedal, Utrillas, Monreal del Campo, Alcorisa, Alcañiz, Andorra and Valderrobres.
Services and programs that ATADI develops are:
- Sheltered housing: for intellectual disabillity people which good autonomy level who count with the dialy support of professionals.
- Day-care centers: day care service aimed at disabled people who require specific support from another person to carry out a large part of the activities of daily living.
- Occupational center: day care service whose objective is for users to acquire skills and abilities that enable their social and work integration.
- Residences: Temporary or permanent living space within a family environment for disabled people in a situation of dependency, with or without personal autonomy, who for social, family or economic reasons cannot remain in their usual home.
- Employment: employment agency, special employment center, employment support servicies.
- Adult school.
- Other servicies: social work and psycology care.
Now a days the organization serves more than 250 adults with intellectual or developmental disabilities mainly, and those other people with disability, dependency, risk of social exclusion or socially disadvantaged that may share our projects and services.

  • Ova organizacija nosi oznaku kvalitete Europskih snaga solidarnosti. Oznaka kvalitete potvrđuje da organizacija može voditi projekte u skladu s načelima i ciljevima Europskih snaga solidarnosti.

Opseg Volontiranju

Uloga Vrijedi do
Hosting 31/12/2027
Potpora 31/12/2027

Vodeća organizacija

PIC: 934733517 OID: E10168631

Područja organizacije

Community development


Human rights and rule of law