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Accredited organisation

AGORA Sport es Szabadido Kozhasznu Nonprofit Kft

Agora Nonprofit Kft.

Szent Borbála út 19. , 2800, Tatabánya, Унгария - +3634600470

Описание на организацията:

A Vértes Agorája – as a division of Agora Nonprofit Kft – is a local center for culture and education aiming to develop and organize the cultural life of the local community, respecting and preserving traditions and promoting innovation. The institution, which has lately been reorganized in a freshly renovated environment, has respect for local identity and the values and characteristics of Tatabánya. Furthermore, it aims to create new traditions by establishing alternative community development trends.
One of the fundamental aims of the Vértes Agorája is community development on thematic base in respect of age groups, supporting and reinforcing active communities.
Our institution provides the opportunity and venue for programs that support valuable free time activities for all age groups. It plays an essential role in organizing representative events such as concerts, exhibitions, workshops, talent spotting events, career fairs and local history lectures presentations. The key features of the programs are complexity and creativity.
Youth as a highlighted target group is supported by offices such as Agora Start Tehetségpont for talent management and Ifjúsági és Start Iroda for vocational and lifestyle orientation.
The key object of the Agora Start Tehetségpont is to support local youth mobility, familiarize them with volunteering by promoting volunteer service programs and helping them to develop social responsibility. It gives them chance to get acquainted with foreign cultures that allows to develop the most important virtues indispensable for existing in a European dimension: tolerance, empathy and creativity. Since 2016 we have been hosting European Voluntary Service volunteers and year by year we increase our activity in hosting and creating international projects.

Теми, свързани с приобщаването

Тази организация иска да включи доброволци, намиращи се в ситуации, които затрудняват участието им в дейности, от следните категории за различни видове проекти:

  • Културни различия
  • Географски трудности
  • Бежанци
  • Тази организация притежава знак за качество на Европейския корпус за солидарност. Знакът за качество удостоверява, че организацията е в състояние да управлява проекти в съответствие с принципите и целите на Европейския корпус за солидарност.

Вид дейност Доброволчество

Функция Срок на действие
Hosting 31/12/2027
Подпомагане 31/12/2027
PIC: 935240536 OID: E10184552

Теми на организацията

Community development


Rural development and urban regeneration