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Accredited organisation


PLAZA DEL PILAR 18, 50071, ZARAGOZA, Spanja - +34976723739

Deskrizzjoni tal-Organizzazzjoni

“Zaragoza City Council has assigned to Youth and Volunteer Service the
promotion of citizenship activities especially young people, in order to
promote their training in participation, creativity,
solidarity, and European culture. To achieve those goals, the Volunteering for Zaragoza was created in 2009, as a municipal action program, which
usually plans different actions in coordination with local services
( sports, culture, mobility, environme

JOB D’ETÉ. Ayuntamiento de Toulouss
nt,...) so thatInterested people can develop their initiatives.
Volunteering for Zaragoza was born as a result of the unquestionable success
of the Expo Zaragoza 2008 Volunteers, as a response to the movement of
citizen participation from which an important voluntary group was formed,
committed, organized, well trained and with its own entity, with recognition,
future stability and continuity.
Currently the Volunteer team is formed by 4.700 people, many of them young people, with the commitment of being part of a big family which is gradually growing with the incorporation of new volunteers.
The volunteers take action in coordination with the rest of the municipal areas and services to develop activities of interest to the
city, and also with collaborating entities”
General objectives of the 4 Youth Plan (Youth service):
1. Contribute to the emancipation and personal development of youth.
2. Empower young people through the implementation of participatory processes.
3. Progress in transversality within the City Council and with other institutions.

These objectives must be completed with the Transversal Lines that reports this
4 Youth Plan and which are the following:
1 Interculturality
Collecting this reality as part of the complexity of youth is necessary to
guide all actions and measures in the fundamental strategic lines.
2 Gender
Incorporating the gender perspective, mainstreaming, is essential to get out
stereotypes and build a better society.

JOB D’ETÉ. Ayuntamiento de Toulouss

3 Socio-educational training
Begin programs based on training people potential’s.
4 Empowerment
The main objective of youth policies is to make young people feel the main charactersof their
own life, make conscious decisions, feel able and confident to develop
develop dreams and projects.
5 Functional diversity
We incorporate the vision of people with functional diversity, who handle bigger challenges than other youth groups.

With regard to volunteering in Zaragoza:
1.- Facilitate solidarity
2.- Allow voluntary action in the City Council
3.- Help supportive people to find channels of participation in the Zaragoza City Council.
4.- Offer the city and citizens solidarity channels of participation

Local Youth Service promotes a Network of Youth Houses, Centers in which young people between 14 and 30 years old can meet and carry out Free Time activities, cultural and artistic learning, personal development, etc. being part of the organization and collaborating voluntarity.
Likewise, a socio-educational intervention is carried out in Secondary Education Centers, also promoting extracurricular activities using school spaces and giving them a participatory dimension...
Volunteering in Zaragoza collaborates in five areas:
.- Visitor attention
.- Let's take care of citizens
.-culture, sports and major events

JOB D’ETÉ. Ayuntamiento de Toulouss

.-Volunteering in the organization
.- Animal Protection

In addition to the collaborations with the different local areas and services, collaboration agreements have been signed with non-profit entities such as Amac Gema and FADEMA

Young people between 18 and 30 years old , and especially those people for whom international volunteering is a motivating incentive in their process of personal and social development.
Youth Service develops many programs in the city to all kinds of young people. We want CES and European volunteering to be an experience accessible to young people with fewer opportunities to develop a mobility experience.

About volunteering in Zaragoza:
Anyone can be a volunteer if they get the requirement of being of legal age, people over 18 years of age, young people aged 16 and 17 with the permission of their parents or guardians if they are not emancipated, children can be volunteers. and young people between 12 and 16 years old with the authorization of their parents or guardians if they consider that it does not affect their development, training and schooling.

  • Din l-organizzazzjoni għandha Tikketta tal-Kwalità tal-Korp Ewropew ta’ Solidarjetà. It-Tikketta tal-Kwalità tiċċertifika li l-organizzazzjoni tista’ twettaq proġetti f’konformità mal-prinċipji u l-objettivi tal-Korp Ewropew ta’ Solidarjetà.

Ambitu Volontarjat

Rwol Data ta' skadenza
Appoġġ 31/12/2027
PIC: 969236417 OID: E10162838

Suġġetti tal-organizzazzjoni

Community development

European identity and values

Youth policy development