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Accredited organisation

Fundación Alonso Quijano

Fundación Alonso Quijano

C/ Arquitecto Alonso Carbonell 32, 2º B , 29018, Málaga, Spanja - +34677450805

Deskrizzjoni tal-Organizzazzjoni

Cuáles son sus objetivos, actividades principales y grupos destinatarios?
The foundation Alonso Quijano is an nonprofit private and independent institution, which’s aim is to contribute with the integral development of the human being through the promotion of the cultural and educative initiatives, especially of that ones which are orientated on the promotion of reading.
As it is shown in the article 5 of your Statutes, the foundation pursues the following goals:
- The promotion of the individual and social habits of the reading, as well as the stimulation of the literary creation both in Spain and in the rest Spanish-speaking countries or with the Spanish speaking communities.
- The contribution to the best awareness and the oral and written usage of the Spanish language and to the disclosure literary heritage of Spanish language.
- The promotion of the cultural, educative and artistic relations of Spain with other nationalities, with the special attention to the European countries and to the Iberoamerican countries for the reasons of the tongue, history and culture.
- The promotion and development of all kind of the cultural and educative initiatives, as well as of the investigation and study in such kind of fields.
- The realization of the activities of the formation of professorship, educators and cultural promoters.
- The promotion of the solidarity between the towns with the purpose of improving their living conditions.
- International cooperation to the development.

- Permanent campaign of the promotion of Reading with hospitalized childs in the Mother and Child Hospital of Malaga.
- Journal My Library. Quarterly publication in paper form, with the national and international scope that proposes informative and rigorous approach to the multiple slopes of the library sector.
- Spanish for immigrants. Personalized teaching of Spanish for adult immigrants residents in Malaga. Free particular classes given by volunteers.
- Mini libraries Alonso Quijano. Small libraries in the institutions, services or public places which permanently serve to people which frequent this places.
- Yearbook of Spanish libraries. Annual publication which offers an global vision about the librarian situation in Spain through the route of different systems of the public and private libraries of Spain, as well as the principal resources for the libraries, professionals and users.
- VG editions. Editorial stamp with the catalogue of the university textbooks, books about reading, Spanish for foreigners and infantile literature.
- Photo contest “Reading times”. The objective is the promotion of the plastic and artistic creativity in the scope of reading.
- Reading calendar. Annual publication with commented photos and reviews of ephemeris in all days of the year.
- Training activities. Curses, conferences and seminars related with the promotion of reading.
- International Cooperation “Books for the World”. Sending books to the various countries of Iberoamerica. Collaboration with the libraries of the developing countries.
- Resources about the reading on the web. Unrestricted fund of online resources about reading, with texts, images and a selection of books, journals, virtual libraries, blogs and announcments.

Target groups are: Immigrants, children and adults. Anyone who is interested in culture

  • Din l-organizzazzjoni għandha Tikketta tal-Kwalità tal-Korp Ewropew ta’ Solidarjetà. It-Tikketta tal-Kwalità tiċċertifika li l-organizzazzjoni tista’ twettaq proġetti f’konformità mal-prinċipji u l-objettivi tal-Korp Ewropew ta’ Solidarjetà.

Ambitu Volontarjat

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Hosting 31/12/2027
PIC: 940461755 OID: E10152658

Suġġetti tal-organizzazzjoni

Community development


Key competences development