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Accredited organisation


UL KARA KJOI 9A , 2760, RAZLOG, Bulgaaria - +359895180486

Organisatsiooni kirjeldus:

Association Alternativi International is youth non-governmental, non-profit making organization working in the territory of Blagoevgrad region. The main objective is to encourage personal and professional development of young people through non formal education and also the building up and development of active citizenship among them. The organization is an alternative for young people in the region to realize their potential and become an active part of the society. "Alternativi International” is founded by people seeking the positive change for young people in Bulgaria. For that reason the main target group is youngsters aged between 17 and 30 years old. We also aim at providing equal possibilities for youth with fewer opportunities. The organization gives them the opportunity to develop their selves by participating in various initiatives and events at local, national and international level. The association organizes information days and campaigns, cultural events, discussions and debates on different issues, etc. The organization issues youth online magazine, to inform young people about career opportunities, trainings, work placements, internships, cultural happenings and so on. The organization is working with the aim to develop intercultural dialogue and understanding between young people from whole Europe crossing all the differences. We are developing initiatives fighting the racism and xenophobia among youth from different religious, ethnic, cultural, geographical or economical background.
Alternativi International is also accredited as hosting, receiving and coordinating organization.
Alternatives International is accredited for hosting, sending and coordinating organization for European Voluntary Service since 2011. The organization has implemented various projects under ,, Youth in Action Program, National Youth Programme and Erasmus+ program.
The organization has a wide network on local, national and international level. Alternativi is also a Eurodesk member and is proudly providing youth with quality youth information.
The organization`s team consists of professionals working in various dimensions including volunteering, active participation, youth development, entrepreneurship, culture, human rights education, employability.

  • See organisatsioon omab Euroopa solidaarsuskorpuse kvaliteedimärgist. Kvaliteedimärgis kinnitab, et organisatsioon juhib projekte kooskõlas Euroopa solidaarsuskorpuse põhimõtete ja eesmärkidega.

Tegevuse suund Vabatahtlik tegevus

Veereta Kehtivusaja lõpp
Hosting 31/12/2027
Toetav 31/12/2027
PIC: 946052641 OID: E10081529